Antonio Taramelli

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Antonio Taramelli (born November 14, 1868 in Udine , † May 7, 1939 in Rome ) was an Italian archaeologist . He is one of the founders of Sardinian archeology .

Antonio Tamarelli was the son of the geoscientist Torquato Taramelli . He studied at the University of Pavia and obtained a doctorate in humanities in 1889 and then attended a course in archeology at the Sorbonne , from 1891 he studied at the Scuola Nazionale di Archeologia in Rome as a student of Luigi Pigorini and Federico Halbherr , where he received his diploma in 1894 acquired as an archaeologist. In the last year of his training he took part in research in Greece and Crete .

Then in 1895 he became inspector in the Office for Monument Preservation for Piedmont and Liguria . In 1903 he went to Sardinia, where he helped build the archaeological museum in Cagliari , which opened in 1906 and took over its management in 1908. Associated with this was the management of excavations in Sardinia, and in 1909 he received the title of soprintendente. In Filippo Nissardi , a student of Giovanni Spano , he found a valuable collaborator for his research.

Taramelli's "feverish" archaeological work on the island kept him busy for about 30 years. He attached particular importance to his numerous excavations as an aid to historical research. Around 230 scientific publications were the result.

He was particularly interested in the prenuraghic and nuragic cultures. His excavations in the Domus de Janas - necropolis of Anghelu Ruju near Alghero , the largest in Sardinia, those of Großnuraghen in Lugherras , Nuraghe Losa and the Nuraghe Santu Antine as well as the fountain sanctuary of Santa Vittoria di Serri were very successful in this regard .

Taramelli is also responsible for the uncovering of antiquities on the Giara di Gesturi plateau . He has been an associate professor of archeology at the University of Cagliari several times . In 1935 he moved to Rome, where he died in 1939. Taramelli was married to Ester Canonica and had two sons, Daniele and Valerio.

In 1916 he was elected a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei , and in 1927 a full domestic member. Since 1929 he was also a full member of the German Archaeological Institute and holder of several orders. In 1934 he was appointed Senatore del Regno .

Fonts (selection)

In addition to monographs, Taramelli published numerous articles in journals that were presented in anthologies.

  • Le campagne di Germanico nella Germania . Pavia 1891
  • Carte archeologiche della Sardegna . 4 volumes, Firenze, 1929–1940 (reprinted by Sassari 1993).
  • L 'uso del sughero nell'antichita . Sassari 1936
  • Scavi e scoperte . 4 volumes, Sassari 1982–1985 (collected essays from the years 1903 to 1939).


  • Maria Rosaria Manunta: Antonio Tamarelli . In: Dizionario biografico dei Sprintendenti ARcheologi (1904–1974) . Bononia University Press, Bologna 2012, ISBN 978-88-7395-752-2 , pp. 737-749 (with list of publications).

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