List of traditional guides in Namibia

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This is the list of traditional guides in Namibia .

Legal basis

According to the Namibian Constitution of 1990, traditional leaders, tribal and clan heads from lineages as well as traditionally determined or democratically elected leaders, are given a permanent place in the Namibian political system . You are the chairman of the traditional administrative units in Namibia . Legally, this is dealt with in the Traditional Authorities Act . and administrations and their leaders were recognized for the first time in 1998.

This takes into account the multicultural and diverse population of the country . In 2009, there were 49 traditional leaders recognized by the President .

Of the former and partly autonomous homelands in South West Africa and their autonomy administrations since the independence of Namibia , the only Kapteine the Rehoboth Baster not seen as a traditional society and Rehoboth dissolved Basterrat officially accordingly. However, the Rehoboth Basters are a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization .


According to the Traditional Authorities Act , the terms Head or Chief are used. Traditional titles ( e.g. Elenge ) are permitted, but do not entail any special rights. President Hage Geingob pointed out in October 2015 that the designations "king" or "queen" are inadmissible. These are still used by unofficial, but also official bodies.

Individual recognized groups are referred to as ethnic groups or clans and in almost all cases they form a traditional administration .

Traditional groupings


  • Mafwe
  • Mashi
  • Masubiya
  • Mayeyi


  • Chairman of the Council of Damara
    • ǃGobanin
    • ǀKhomanin
    • ǃOeǂgan
    • Tsoaxudaman
    • ǃGaiodaman
    • ǂAodaman
    • Dâure Daman


  • Kambazembi
  • Kakurukouje
  • Kapika
  • Ovaherero
    • Tjamuaha
    • Maharero
  • Otjikaoko
  • Ovambanderu
  • Vita
  • Zeraua (also Zeraeua)


  • Gciriku
  • Kwangali
  • Mbukushu
  • Mbunza
  • Shambyu


  • Berseba-Nama ( ǀHai-ǀkhauan )
  • Bethany Nama ( ǃAman )
  • Blouwes
  • Bondelswarts ( ǃGami-ǂnun )
  • Groot Doden ( ǁÔ-gain )
  • Khauas-Nama ( Kaiǀkhauan )
  • Orlam Africans ( ǃGû-ǃgôun or Nauba-xu gye ǀki-khoen )
  • Riemvasmaker
  • Red Nation ( Kaiǁkhaun )
  • Simon Kooper ( ǃKhara-Khoen )
  • Swartbooi ( ǁKhau-ǀgõan )
  • Topnaar-Nama ( ǂAonin )
  • Vaalgras Nama
  • Veldschoendrager ( ǁHawoben )
  • Witbooi-Nama ( ǀKhowesin )


  • Ombadja
  • Ombalantu
  • Ondonga
  • Ongandjera
  • Uukolonkadhi
  • Uukwaluudhi
  • Uukwambi
  • Uukwanyama (Oukwanyama)


  • Juǀ'Hoan
  • ǂKao ǁAesi
  • ǃKung
  • Hai-ǁOm
  • ǃXoo


  • Batswana ba Namibia
  • Bakgalagadi

No state recognition

Rehobother Baster


  1. Note: This article contains characters from the alphabet of the Khoisan languages spoken in southern Africa . The display contains characters of the click letters ǀ , ǁ , ǂ and ǃ . For more information on the pronunciation of long or nasal vowels or certain clicks , see e.g. B. under Khoekhoegowab .

See also


  • Manfred O. Hinz: Customary Law Ascertained: The customary law of the Owambo, Kavango, and Caprivi Communities of Namibia , Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Windhoek 2010, ISBN 978-39416-02-51-9 .
  • Manfred O. Hinz: Customary Law Ascertained Volume 2: The Customary Law of the Bakgalagari, Batswana and Damara Communities of Namibia , UNAM Press, Windhoek 2013, ISBN 978-99916-42-12-3 .
  • Manfred O. Hinz: Customary Law Ascertained Volume 3: The Customary Law of the Nama, Ovaherero, Ovambanderu, and San Communities of Namibia , UNAM Press, Windhoek 2016, ISBN 978-99916-42-11-6 .
  • Martin Hipondoka: Lands Boundary report . ( available online )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Constitution. Republic of Namibia, Article 105, Clause 5. Retrieved July 8, 2020.
  2. ^ Traditional Authorities Act. Republic of Namibia, No. 25, 2000.
  3. ^ Government Gazette. Republic of Namibia, No. 182, # 65, March 31, 1998.
  4. Mbanderu chief appointed, Allgemeine Zeitung, December 16, 2009
  5. October 6, 2015 - Morning News. Hitradio Namibia, October 6, 2015
  6. ^ Minutes of Proceedings of the National Assembly. Republic of Namibia, March 26, 2019.