Kings of the Caprivi

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The kings of the Caprivi are today the " traditional leaders " ( English Traditional Leaders ) in the Zambezi region (until 2013 Caprivi) in northeastern Namibia . The lineage goes back to the Kingdom of Luyana .

Legal basis

According to the Namibian Constitution of 1990, traditional leaders, tribal and clan heads, as well as traditionally determined or democratically elected leaders, are given a permanent place in the Namibian political system . This takes into account the multicultural and multi-layered society of the country.

The Traditional Authorities Act provides for the terms head or chief , but also allows the use of traditional titles.

Traditional administrations

In the region Zambezi, there are currently (as of December 2016) four "traditional authorities" (English Traditional Authorities ):

  • Mafwe
  • Mashi
  • Masubia
  • Mayayi

The four administrative units are divided according to geographic location and clan . They all belong to the Lozi or Mafwe ethnic group . You describe yourself as Caprivians .

Local administration

The groups are led by a Royal Kutha , the traditional royal administrative and legal council. In addition to the Litunga / Munitenge / Shikati (king), the Kutha also includes the Ngambela (royal advisor) as well as a Natamoyo (second advisor), three senior indunas (highest administrators) and six junior indunas (administrators).

Kutha administration

The Masubia and all Lozi in the east of the Caprivi (dark gray in the adjacent map) are subordinate to the Bukalo Royal Kutha in Bukalo . Their king is Kisco Liswani III . The other clans and Lozi in the west (light gray in the adjacent map) as well as the Mbukushu are subordinate to the Linyanti Royal Kutha in Linyanti and thus King George Simasiku Mamili VII. The Mbukushu are Lozi, but belong in the regional administration to the Kavango region .

Each clan also has its own Kutha, which is the first instance. Any Lozi who does not belong to any clan can contact the Royal Kutha directly.


The Mafwe or also Fwe or Khwe are a clan in the Caprivi in ​​the far northeast of Namibia. They are based in Chinchimane and have the traditional title of Ngambela .


The Mashi are a clan in the Caprivi in ​​the far northeast of Namibia. The royal title is Fumu , the headquarters are in Choi .


The Masubia or Subiya are a clan in the Caprivi in ​​the far northeast of Namibia. Her traditional title of king is Munitenge . Its headquarters are in the village of Bukalo . Their own name is Veekuhane , their language is called Chiikuhane .


The Mayeyi or Mayayi are a clan in the Caprivi in ​​the extreme northeast of Namibia. Their king holds the title of Shikati . Headquarters is Sangwali , until 1940 in Nkasa .

See also


  • Antje Otto, Manfred Goldbeck: The People of Namibia's Eastern Zambezi Region. A historical perspective. Gondwana Heritage, Windhoek 2014, ISBN 978-99916-896-7-8 .

Web links

Individual references and sources

  1. Namibia Traditional Leaders,
  2. Lilemba Clarifies 'MAFWE' name. The Caprivi, May 24, 2012.
  3. ^ Traditional Authorities Act. Republic of Namibia, No. 25, 2000.
  4. People of the Caprivi, accessed April 11, 2011 on
  5. ^ Chief Mamili calls for tribal harmony. New Era, October 2, 2018.