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Treutelsberg with Martinsturm

Treutelsberg with Martinsturm

height 503.7  m above sea level NHN
location at Klingenmünster ; District of Südliche Weinstrasse , Rhineland-Palatinate ( Germany )
Mountains WasgauPalatinate Forest
Coordinates 49 ° 9 '8 "  N , 7 ° 59' 21"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 9 '8 "  N , 7 ° 59' 21"  E
Treutelsberg (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Type Kegelückenberg
rock Buntsandstein and Zechstein rock units
Age of the rock 251–243 million years (red sandstone) ,
256–251 million years (Zechstein)
particularities Martinsturm ( AT )

The Treutelsberg , more rarely also Treitelsberg , is 503.7  m above sea level. NHN high mountain in the German northern part of the Wasgau ( Rhineland-Palatinate ), which also forms the southern part of the Palatinate Forest .

The Martinsturm on the highest summit of the tripartite Kegelückenberg is a listed building . With good visibility, the panorama extends to the Odenwald , the Black Forest and the Vosges .

Geographical location

The mountain is located on the eastern edge of Wasgau or Palatinate Forest towards the Rhine plain on the Klingenmünster forest area ; the distance (as the crow flies) to the southeast to the edge of the residential development is about 2 km, to the east to the Palatinate Clinic for Psychiatry and Neurology about 1.6 km. The middle and highest of its three peaks at 503.7  m is also called Treutelskopf . The northern knoll with the medieval Fliehburg Heidenschuh is 457.3  m high, the southern one measures almost 445  m . The base of the mountain is about 2 km in diameter; it is bounded in the south by the Klingbach , in the north by its left tributary Kaiserbach .


The name of the mountain comes from its tripartite nature. Originally it was called “Dreidäälberg” in the local Palatinate dialect , meaning three part mountain . After the decisions of the Congress of Vienna made the Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine subordinate to the Kingdom of Bavaria from 1816 , its officials recorded the territory that was new to them. Unfamiliar with the Palatinate language, they translated the mountain names they had heard into what was supposed to be written German .

The 14 m high Martinsturm on the highest of the three peaks was built in 1886. It is one of the cultural monuments of Klingenmünster .


The Martha spring between Landeck Castle and Treutelsberg

The Treutelsberg cannot be reached by private car, but only on foot via various hiking trails. A drivable forest path is reserved for forestry purposes.

An interesting ascent for hikers begins at the Palatinate Clinic in Klingenmünster and leads with the marking “green triangle on a white ground” over the castles Waldschlössel and Heidenschuh to the Martinsturm. In addition, the Treutelsberg can also be hiked from Klingenmünster with the “white triangle” mark via Landeck Castle and Marthaquelle .

The “Three Castles Hike” combines the various ascent options to the Martinsturm into a 9 km long circular route. The hike, which has been marked with the “Burgenweg” logo since 2015, leads to the castles of Waldschlössel, Heidenschuh and Landeck and, in addition to the Martinsturm, touches a few smaller intermediate destinations along the way.

Web links

Commons : Treutelsberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Landesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation Rheinland-Pfalz (Ed.): Topographic map 1: 25,000, Bad Bergzabern with Alsace. Border area . Self-published, Koblenz 1998.
  2. a b Map service of the landscape information system of the Rhineland-Palatinate Nature Conservation Administration (LANIS map) ( notes )
  3. a b The Martinsturm near Klingenmünster., accessed on October 31, 2014 .
  4. Albert H. Keil : Bavarian "Language Heritage". Verlag PfalzMundArt, accessed on October 31, 2014 .
  5. W4 - Three Castles Hike (9.1 km)., 2015, accessed February 19, 2016 .