Trude Eipperle

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Trude Eipperle (born January 27, 1908 in Stuttgart , † October 18, 1997 in Unterkochen ) was a German opera singer ( soprano ).


Trude Eipperle received her artistic training at the Stuttgart University of Music from Professor Karl Lang, a well-known music teacher. From there she came to what was then the Württemberg State Theater as an apprentice. She received her first engagement in Wiesbaden in 1929 . 1930–1934 and again 1935–1937 she sang at the Stadttheater in Nuremberg , 1934–1935 or 1937 at the Braunschweiger Theater. In 1937 she came to the Stuttgart State Opera , where she stayed for the next three seasons. 1938–1944 she worked at the State Opera in Munich . From 1945–1951 she was first soprano at the Cologne Opera and from 1951 until her stage departure in 1965 she was again a member of the Stuttgart State Opera, where she was made an honorary member.

She has appeared in all the major European opera houses, was involved in the Salzburg (1942 as Zdenka in Arabella by Richard Strauss ) and the Bayreuth Festival (1952 as Eva in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg ).

Her repertoire included the great roles in operas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Donna Anna in Don Giovanni , Countess in Die Hochzeit des Figaro , Pamina in Die Zauberflöte ), by Richard Strauss ( Arabella , Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier , Kaiserin in Die Frau ohne Schatten ) and by Richard Wagner (Elsa in Lohengrin , Elisabeth in Tannhäuser ). In the Italian subject she excelled in operas by Giacomo Puccini (Mimi in La Bohème , Madame Butterfly , Liu in Turandot ) and Giuseppe Verdi (Desdemona in Otello , Elisabeth in Don Carlos ). She was also successful as a concert and oratorio singer.

On July 18, 1975, the "Trude Eipperle Rieger Foundation" was founded in Aalen-Unterkochen. This foundation pursues exclusively charitable and benevolent purposes for the promotion of education and art, the promotion of science, cultural institutions in the area of ​​the Aalen district of Unterkochen, the support of children's villages and donations to other charitable institutions that pursue purposes similar to the foundation .

Discography (selection)

From 1942 relatively few recordings for the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft . However, numerous radio recordings were released with her on LP and CD.

  • Trude Eipperle, a portrait of a singer. Recordings 1942–1959 (Bayer Records).
  • Gabriel / Eva in Joseph Haydn: The Creation . Vienna 1942, Dir .: Clemens Krauss (Preiser).
  • Sandrina in Mozart: La finta giardiniera 1956, conductor: Josef Dünnwald (Myto).
  • Pamina in Mozart: The Magic Flute . Stuttgart 1937. Dir .: Joseph Keilberth (Cantus Classics).
  • Soprano role in Pfitzner: Von deutscher Seele 1945, Dir .: Clemens Krauss (Preiser).
  • Mimi in Giacomo Puccini: La Bohème . Munich 1940, Dir .: Clemens Krauss (Cantus Classics).
  • Liù in Giacomo Puccini: Turandot . Stuttgart 1938, Dir .: Joseph Keilberth (Cantus Classics).
  • Rosalinde in Johann Strauss: The Bat . Frankfurt 1936, Dir .: Hans Rosbaud (cook)
  • Laura in Giuseppe Verdi: Luisa Miller Dresden 1944, Dir .: Kurt Elmendorff (Preiser).
  • Irene in Richard Wagner: Rienzi . Frankfurt 1950, Dir .: Winfried Zillig (Cantus Classics).
  • Elisabeth in Richard Wagner: Tannhäuser . Frankfurt 1949. Dir .: Kurt Schröder (Gebhardt).
  • Elsa in Richard Wagner: Lohengrin . 1951, Dir .: Richard Kraus (Rococo).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oswald Kühn: Farewell to Trude Eipperle . In: Swabian Mercury . July 15, 1940.
  2. ^ Trude Eipperle. Retrieved February 18, 2017 .
  3. ^ Trude Eipperle Rieger Foundation. Retrieved February 18, 2017 .