Richard Kraus

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Richard Kraus (born November 16, 1902 in Berlin ; † April 11, 1978 in Kassel ) was a German conductor who was best known for his work as chief conductor of the opera houses in Halle (Saale) and Berlin as well as the Northwest German Philharmonic in Herford . He also conducted at the Bayreuth Festival .


Richard Kraus is the son of the famous early Wagner - tenor Ernst Kraus (1863-1941). He studied at the Hochschule für Musik Berlin (today Berlin University of the Arts ) with Otto Taubmann , Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek , Marbach , Carl Besl , Eberhardt and in 1923 became a répétiteur at the Berlin State Opera (under Erich Kleiber and Leo Blech ). After that he was almost completely, except for a short time at the end of the Second World War , conductor of various orchestras:

  • 1927 to 1928 in Kassel
  • 1928 to 1933 in Hanover
  • 1933 to 1937 in Stuttgart
  • 1937 to 1944 chief conductor in Halle (Saale)
  • after the war in Düsseldorf
  • 1948 to 1954 chief conductor in Cologne
  • 1954 to 1961 chief conductor in Berlin (then Städtische Oper , from 1961 Deutsche Oper )
  • 1961 to 1963 teaching activity at the Berlin University of Music
  • 1963 to 1969 chief conductor of the North West German Philharmonic in Herford (afterwards retired)

Since the late 1940s, numerous recordings under Richard Kraus have been released on records and later also on CDs .

Bayreuth Festival

In 1942 Richard Kraus conducted the performance of the Flying Dutchman . A recording of the overture was first released as a record by BASF in 1976 ( 100 Years of Bayreuth ). The complete recording (presentation on July 18, 1942) was later released as a double CD. Before that, he was musical assistant in 1927, 1928, 1931 and 1933 (that is, throughout all festival years with the exception of 1930).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Richard Kraus in the Bavarian Musicians' Lexicon Online (BMLO)
  2. ^ Entry for Carl Besl in the German National Library
  3. ^ Names of all teachers after Egon Voss: 100 Years of the Bayreuth Festival , Gustav Bosse Verlag Regensburg, 1976, p. 108 (short biography)
  4. Biography on ( Memento of the original from October 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (engl.) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Entry in the German National Library, a total of 4 records
  6. Entry on
  7. ^ The cast of the Bayreuth Festival 1876-1960 . Edited by Käte Neubert, Edition Musikca Bayreuth, 1961; P. 66 f.