Trupanea amoena

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Trupanea amoena
Trupanea amoena1.jpg

Trupanea amoena

Subordination : Flies (Brachycera)
Family : Drill flies (Tephritidae)
Subfamily : Tephritinae
Tribe : Tephritini
Genre : Trupanea
Type : Trupanea amoena
Scientific name
Trupanea amoena
( Frauenfeld , 1857)
Trupanea amoena , female

Trupanea amoena is a fly from the family of bored flies (Tephritidae).


The drill flies reach a body length of 4 to 5 millimeters. Mesonotum and shield are colored light brown-beige. The frons are light brown-orange in color. The compound eyes shimmer green. The abdomen is colored beige and black. The wings have a species-specific pattern of black spots. The wing vein CuA has a brown stripe that extends from dm-cu to the rear edge of the wing. The large star-shaped spot is usually connected to the cell sc by a narrow line-shaped spot. The related species Trupanea stellata has a similar pattern .


Trupanea amoena occurs in the Palearctic and in the Afrotropic as well as in the Oriental . The species is widespread in Europe. They occur in the north as far as Great Britain . In the south, the occurrence extends to Ethiopia and the Canary Islands , in the east over the Middle East to India and Sri Lanka and over Russia to Japan and Taiwan . The species is also found in Australia .

Way of life

The larvae of Trupanea amoena live in the flower heads of their host plants without producing galls . The host plants include various sunflowers (Asteraceae). These include u. a. the Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium ), safflower ( Carthamus ), knapweed ( Centaurea ) and prickly lettuce ( Lactuca serriola ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e L.E. Carroll, IM White, A. Freidberg, AL Norrbom, MJ Dallwitz, and FC Thompson: Pest fruit flies of the world. Version: 2nd April 2019 . 2002. Retrieved August 19, 2019.
  2. a b c d e I. M. White: Handbook for the Identification of British Insects, Vol. 10, Part 5a - Tephritid Flies (PDF, 2.8 MB) Royal Entomological Society of London. 1988. Retrieved August 19, 2019.
  3. a b c Trupanea amoena in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved August 19, 2019
  4. a b Trupanea amoena . Retrieved August 19, 2019.
  5. Trupanea amoena . Retrieved August 19, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Trupanea amoena  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Photos at