Udo lamp

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Udo lamp (* 24. August 1934 in Lübeck ) is a German social worker and emeritus professors . He was rector of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences .


Lampe attended Arndt Middle School in Lübeck. In view of the lack of apprenticeships in Lübeck, he then went to Kaiserslautern , where he took part in a basic training course for metal professions, and completed his apprenticeship in Ludwigshafen in 1955 with the journeyman's examination as a fitter .

After internships in a welfare care home in Schweicheln and in a mountain apprentice home in Dortmund , he studied at the Dortmund Social Pedagogical Seminar from 1956 to 1958 . After passing the state examination as a welfare worker and internships in a youth hostel in Ludwigshafen and in the Hamm youth welfare office , he received state recognition as a welfare worker ( social worker ) in 1959 . From 1959 to 1962 he headed a care facility for workers welfare for young cross-border commuters from the Soviet occupation zone in Bochum . From 1962 to 1966 he was deputy managing director of the Düsseldorf district association of workers' welfare.

In 1966 he went to the Schleswig-Holstein State Welfare School as a teaching social worker (from 1969 on the social affairs department of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences ). From 1972 to 1976 he studied education at the University of Education in Kiel and the University of Kiel and graduated with a diploma . In 1972 he submitted a structure paper for the department to the study reform commission, which became the basis for the redesign of the degree program. It envisaged the unification of the previously separate courses of study social work and social pedagogy with a common basic course and differentiation in focus in the main course. He was appointed professor in 1981.

From 1977 to 1982 he was dean of the social affairs department at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Most recently, he was chairman of the conference of deans of the social affairs departments. He was particularly committed to the cooperation with the German Association for Public and Private Welfare and the municipal umbrella organizations. He was a member of the main committee of this association from 1983 to 1991. From 1984 to 1993 he was rector of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences for three terms . The time of his rectorate was particularly marked by the decision of the university for a common campus for all departments in Kiel-Dietrichsdorf, which he was particularly driven by .

In May 1992 he headed the German-Estonian university conference in Kiel. Lampe was deputy chairman of the expert commission for the establishment of a technical college in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . He took over the chairmanship of the structure committee at the newly established University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics in Berlin and worked as an expert in the professional academies working group at the Science Council.

In August 1993, Lampe received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for his services to the universities of applied sciences . He lives in Schwerin .


  • Self-initiation of social help. In: CW Müller (ed.): Accompanying research in social pedagogy. Beltz, Weinheim 1978, ISBN 3-407-51138-8 , pp. 117-138.
  • Twenty years of technical colleges in Schleswig-Holstein , Borbyer-Werkstatt-Verlag, Flensburg, around 1969

Individual evidence

  1. Twenty years of state universities of applied sciences in Schleswig-Holstein (book, 1969, WorldCat.org). Retrieved August 19, 2019 .