Ugo Cipriani

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Signature of Ugo Cipriani
Variation of the signature

Ugo Cipriani (born August 13, 1897 in Florence , Italy , † June 18, 1960 in Paris , France ) was an Italian sculptor .


Statue of Guglielmo Oberdans on the Piazza Oberdan in Florence.

Ugo Cipriani was born the son of the sculptor Adolfo Cipriani and Emilia Pancani, whose marriage resulted in nine children. He studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in his hometown. As a political refugee, Cipriani left fascist Italy between 1935 and 1937 and moved to France, where he lived and worked until his death.

One of his most famous works in public space is the statue of the Italian irredentist Guglielmo Oberdan, dated 1919, on the Piazza Oberdan in Florence.

In the 1920s and 1930s he produced numerous sculptures in the Art Deco style , for which he used materials such as marble , alabaster , pewter , ivorine , bronze and terracotta . He often signed his bronze and terracotta pieces with Cipriani , but some of his pewter pieces came on the market unsigned. In the literature there is a widespread assumption that Ugo Cipriani published his work in pewter and ivorine under the pseudonym Menneville . The inspiration for this name was the mother of one of his sons, Madelaine Bouchetot de Menneville. Some pieces show variations of a woman with one or more dogs, often signed Menneville et Rochard . Here Menneville 's female figures and the dogs were made by the animal sculptor Irénée Rochard . Other names associated with Cipriani as possible pseudonyms are Uriano , Roggia and Deviggo . With these names, some pewter and ivory works were signed, which were made in the style typical of Cipriani and could not otherwise be assigned. Much of this work was produced by the Silvin fine art foundry in Paris.

Works (selection)

  • Nu feminine
  • Paire de biches
  • Jeune femme à la pochette
  • Jeune fille aux bras levés
  • Séduction
  • Buste de Beethoven
  • Femme allanguie
  • Baigneuse assise au levrier
  • Femme aux deux levriers
  • Maternity
  • Jeune femme à l'enfant nourissant un mouton
  • Pauline Borghèse sur sa meridienne
  • Archer males
  • Homme avec javelot sur un flotteur


  • Victor Arwas : Art Deco Sculpture. Chryselephantine Statuettes of the Twenties and Thirties. Academy Editions, London 1984, ISBN 0-31205-251-0 .
  • Bryan Catley: Art Deco and Other Figures . Baron Publishing, Woodbridge 1978, p. 155.

Web links

Commons : Ugo Cipriani  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ugo CIPRIANI. ( Memento from April 27, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) In: from July 2, 2015.
  2. a b c Cipriani, Ugo 1897-1960. In: Information on Artistes & Sculptors,
  3. ^ Franco Bassi, Clotilde Vesco: Italian History in the Dithyrambic Epigraphs on Florentine Walls. Helicon, 2002. p. 38.
  4. Category Archives: Uriano. In:
  5. Menneville . In:
  6. Biography Ugo Cipriani. ( Memento of April 27, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) In: