Ulrika Wallenström

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Kerstin Ulla Margareta Wallenström (born August 16, 1944 in Hudiksvall ) is an award-winning Swedish translator.

life and work

After studying at Uppsala University , which was completed with a Bachelor of Arts degree, she trained as a teacher at adult education centers at the Linköping Teachers' College . From 1973 to 1976 Wallenström was Amanuensis at Uppsala University.

Ulrika Wallenström has worked as a translator of German-language literature into Swedish since 1970. Her most important translations include the Aesthetics of Resistance by Peter Weiss (1976–1981) and the central works by WG Sebald . She also carried out the new translations of Thomas Mann's classics such as Buddenbrooks (2005), Der Zauberberg (2011) and Doktor Faustus (2015).

Ulrika Wallenström receives the Swedish state artist's salary for life and without asking for anything in return.

Translations (selection)

Prizes and awards

  • 1978: Sveriges Författarfonds premium till personer för belöning av litterär förtjänst
  • 1986: Svenska Academies översättarpris
  • 1988: Stiftelsen Natur och Kulturs översättarpris
  • 1994: Albert Bonniers 100-årsminne
  • 1994: Elsa Thulin-priset
  • 1994: Letterstedtska priset för översättningar
  • 1999: Stiftelsen Natur och Kulturs översättarpris
  • 2010: Samfundet De Nios översättarpris
  • 2011: Samfundet De Nios översättarpris
  • 2017: Gerard Bonnier Prize

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Winner for translations. Retrieved September 27, 2016 .
  2. ^ Artists with state income guarantee. Retrieved September 28, 2016 .