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Coordinates: 46 ° 56 ′ 58 "  N , 7 ° 27 ′ 30"  E ; CH1903:  six hundred and one thousand five hundred and nine  /  199809

The Untertorbrücke as seen from the Nydeggbrücke.
use Street
Crossing of Aare
place Bern
Entertained by Civil engineering office of the city of Bern - operation and maintenance
construction Stone arch bridge
overall length 52.50
width 7.50
Number of openings 3
height 8.10
start of building 1461
opening 1487
construction time 26 years
Untertorbrücke (Canton of Bern)
The Untertorbrücke before 1819

The Untertorbrücke is the oldest bridge in the city of Bern over the Aare and one of the oldest stone bridges in Switzerland. Until the 19th century, it was the only bridge across the Aare in Bern.

A temporary wooden walkway may have existed nearby as early as Gallo-Roman times. The first Untertorbrücke - a wooden yoke bridge - was completed in 1256. A flood swept them away in 1460. Construction of today's bridge began the following year. Construction lasted 26 years and was completed in 1487. Over time, the bridge has been restored several times. After the Nydeggbrücke was opened in 1844 , traffic across the Untertorbrücke decreased significantly.

The country gate is in the immediate vicinity of the bridge . The gate is the only uncovered remnant of the former Nydegg fortification . The country gate was once the only direct access to the lower city. In 1873 it was walled up. In 1959 it was exposed again during renovation work and restored two years later.

At the foot of the old town at the Untertorbrücke bridge, the Matte district in Bern was built .

See also

Web links

Commons : Untertorbrücke  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Operation + maintenance. In: bern.ch. City administration of the city of Bern, accessed on January 29, 2018 .
  2. Heinz Pantli: Bridges 1. Leaflets of the Federal Office for Civil Protection , Protection of Cultural Property, 2003 (PDF; 289 kB).
  3. ^ H. Strübin: Analysis of an Ensemble: The Klösterliareal in Bern, project for renewal . In: Werk, Bauen + Wohnen . tape 71 , no. 4 , 1984, doi : 10.5169 / seals-54198 .