Vatanyolu - The journey home

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Original title Vatanyolu - The journey home
Country of production Germany
original language German ,
Publishing year 1989
length 94 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Enis Günay ,
Rasim Konyar
script Enis Günay,
Rasim Konyar
production Film publisher of the authors
music Timur Selçuk
camera Egon Werdin
cut Beate Gottschall

Vatanyolu - Die Heimreise is a German comedy film by Enis Günay and Rasim Konyar from 1989 with Yaman Okay in the leading role. It addresses the problems of Turkish guest workers who want to return to their home country in the 1980s, using humor.


The film was based on a film scenario that the Turkish filmmaker and visual artist Rasim Konyar submitted to a German competition in 1986 and was awarded a prize there. The film project was then financially supported by the Federal Republic.


Vatanyolu tells the story of Yusuf, who came to the Federal Republic of Germany as a Turkish guest worker in the 1960s, has lived there with his family for 20 years, but is dissatisfied with his life in Germany. A return to Turkey, to which the rest of the family sometimes only reluctantly agrees, should lead his life back on a happier path. So Yusuf, Havva, his wife, both grown-up children and the baby boy, a little daughter, set off on their “journey home” in a hopelessly overloaded minibus . Meanwhile, the eldest son, who would much rather stay in Germany and complete his training as a gardener, has not come to terms with the situation for a long time and is diverting the trip to a poorly navigable forest in order to thwart the father's return plans. It happens as it has to: after only a short distance you are left with a broken axle, whereupon the saboteur ostensibly pretends to take care of the repair of the vehicle, but actually tries - in the end supported by all the other family members with the exception of the father - to stretch them as long as possible. The family begins an idyllic country life on the edge of the forest, gradually making friends with the owner of the occupied land and even getting permission to grow vegetables on a self-sufficient basis. Only when the immigration police step in does the tranquil hustle and bustle come to an end. With the adult children remaining in Germany and the elderly going back to Turkey with the young daughter, who is not yet too culturally rooted in Germany, an agreement has finally been reached that everyone can be satisfied with.


Vatanyolu was shown in German and French cinemas in 1989 and also at the Berlinale and the film festivals in Hof , İstanbul , Chicago and Cannes . It received the rating "valuable" from the Wiesbaden film evaluation office . Vatanyolu was first shown on German television in October 1990 on Hessen 3 . To this day, the comedy is repeatedly shown at German-Turkish film festivals such as B. Sinema-Türk Munich shown.


"Convincing film comedy, which derives its charm from the loving drawing of the typical characters and the comedy of the unexpected, which is presented with succinct matter of course."

- Lexicon of International Films , 1996 CD-ROM edition

"An important and above all funny film to overcome prejudice and xenophobia, spirited and serious."

- Fraucke Hanck in the daily newspaper , quoted from Just, 1990; Page 406

"Here the unwillingness of the younger family members to return to Turkey does not become the starting point of a resigned tragedy, but the cause of a series of witty and comical situations, which are crowned with a happy ending"

- Philipp Sanke: The West German cinema film of the 80s, Marburg 1994; Page 131

Web links

Single receipts

  4. Vatanyolu - The journey home. In: . German Film Institute , accessed on September 28, 2016 .