Protection of the Constitution Schleswig-Holstein

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In Schleswig-Holstein, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is integrated into the Ministry of the Interior and is therefore not an independent authority as in other federal states . His office building is in Kiel . He uses intelligence resources for his tasks .

Legal basis

The legal basis is the law on the protection of the constitution in the state of Schleswig-Holstein of March 23, 1991. Article 10 law also applies.


Department IV 7 of the Ministry is divided into seven units:

  • Principle, Law and Central Services
  • News gathering
  • Evaluation of right-wing extremism
  • Evaluation of Islamism and Islamist Terrorism
  • Evaluation of left-wing extremism and extremism with a foreign connection, counter-espionage and economic protection
  • Observation and nD technology
  • Digital work, IT, G 10 and security

In 2017 it comprised around 130 employees.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Law on the protection of the constitution in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. (LVerfSchG) of March 23, 1991
  2. Protection of the Constitution. Organization. In: Retrieved October 8, 2018 .
  3. Verfassungsschutz Report 2017. (pdf) p. 11 , accessed on May 26, 2018 .

Web links