State Office for Monument Preservation Schleswig-Holstein

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Seat of the state office in the former Sartori warehouse

The State Office for Heritage Schleswig-Holstein is on top and technical authority responsible for the protection and maintenance of cultural monuments throughout the state of Schleswig-Holstein , with the exception of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck and the archaeological monuments. Since 2003 it has been based in the historic Sartori & Berger warehouse in downtown Kiel .


The state preservation of monuments in Schleswig-Holstein looks back on over a hundred years of tradition. In 1893, senior high school teacher Richard Haupt was appointed as an initially honorary provincial curator. He had already made an inventory of the architectural and art monuments in the country between 1886 and 1890. The official preservation of monuments was thus established. Her focus was on the outstanding art and historical monuments in public and ecclesiastical property. Under the successor Ernst Sauermann , who was also director of the Provincial Museum in Kiel, the office developed into a small authority from 1924. The maintenance of monuments of bourgeois and rural culture was added.

After the Second World War, the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments was formed and a Monument Protection Act was passed in 1958. Since the 1970s, the area of ​​responsibility has been expanded to include evidence of urban planning and everyday culture. In 1993 the garden monument preservation was added, with the amendment of the Monument Protection Act in 1996 the preservation and care of elements and monument areas that characterize the cultural landscape, in 2012 the technical cultural monuments.

In 2003 the State Office moved from Kiel Castle to the former Sartorispeicher am Wall.

State Conservators


  • Preservation of monuments in Schleswig-Holstein , ed. from the State Office for Monument Preservation, Wachholtz-Verlag, Neumünster 1993, ISBN 3-529-02730-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monument Preservation in Schleswig-Holstein , website of the State Office for Monument Preservation, accessed on December 9, 2018.