Administrative division of the Komi Republic

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1 (Komi Republic)
Location of the Rajons and city districts of the Komi Republic; Numbers correspond to those in the first column of the tables

The autonomous republic of Komi in the federal district of northwestern Russia , in the northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation, is divided into 15 rajons and 5 urban districts (as of 2014).

The Rajons are divided into a total of 15 municipalities (gorodskoje posselenije) and 159 rural municipalities (selskoje posselenije). In the Knjaschpogostski and Troizko- Pechorski Rajons, territories free of parishes (meschselennaja territorija) are also designated, but on which there are no settlements.

City districts

Urban district Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Other localities Number of
Number of
3 Inta 35,181 30,097.35 1.2 33,196 1,985 Urban-type settlements: Kozhym , Verkhnyaya Inta 3 20th
1 Syktyvkar 250,874 733.31 342 249,806 1,068 Urban-type settlements: Krasnosatonsky , Sedkyrkeschch , Verkhnyaya Maksakovka
Village: Vyltydor
3 3
5 Uchta 121,701 13,261.09 9.2 118,750 2,951 Urban-type settlements: Borovoi , Jarega , Shudayag , Vodny
Villages: Nizhny Domanik , Sedju
5 13
4th Ussinsk 47,229 30,564.2 1.5 42,075 5,154 Urban-type settlement: Parma
villages: Mutny Materik , Schtscheljabosch , Ust-Uzza
2 18th
2 Vorkuta 95,854 24,179.64 4th 95.241 613 Settlements of urban type: Jelezki , Komsomolsky , Mulda , Oktyabrsky , Promyschlenny , Zapolyarny , Severny , vorgashor
village: Siwomaskinski
9 7th


Rajon Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Administrative headquarters Parish seats Number of
Number of
rural communities
7th Ishemsky 18,771 18,435.57 1 18,771 Ishma Country: Brykalansk , Izhma River, Keltschijur , Kipijewo , Krasnobor , Mochtscha , Njaschabosch , Schtscheljajur , Sisjabsk , Tom 10
8th Knjaschpogostski 23,432 24,615.6 1 17,048 6.384 Jemwa City: Jemwa, Sindor
Country: Iosser , Meschtschura , Schoschka , Serjogowo , Trakt , Tschinjaworyk , Turja , Wetju
2 8th
9 Koigorodski 8,431 10,415.66 0.8 8,431 Koigorodok Country: Griwa , Kaschym , Koidin , Koigorodok, Kom , Kusjol , Nizhny Turunju , Nyuchpas , Pods , Ushga 10
10 Kortkerosski 19,658 19,748.35 1 19,658 Kortkeros Country: Bogorodsk , Bolschelug , Dods , Keres , Kortkeros, Madscha , Mordino , Namsk , Niwschera , Njobdino , Pesmeg , Podjelsk , Podtybok , Postykeres , Priosjorny , Storoshevsk , Ust-Lektschim , Womyn 18th
11 Pechora 57,364 28,922.82 2 48,591 8,773 Pechora City: Koshwa , Pechora, Puteyets
Country: Kadscherom , Osjorny , Priuralskoje , Tschikschino
3 4th
12 Prilussky 20,737 13,168.48 1.6 20,737 Objachevo Country: Gurjewka , Letka , Loima , Mutniza , Noschul , Objatschewo, Prokopjewka , Sanulje , Sludka , Spasporub , Tscherjomuchowka , Tschitajewo , Tschornysch , Malmedy , Wercholusje , Wuchtym 16
13 Sosnogorsk 46,775 16,562.93 2.8 40,824 5,951 Sosnogorsk City: Nizhny Odes , Sosnogorsk, Voivosh 3
14th Syktyvdinsky 22,660 7,473.9 3 22,660 Wylgort Country: Jasneg , Lesym , Mandatsch , Nyuvchim , Osjol , Palewizy , Paschga , Schoschka , Selenez , Sludka , Tschassowo , Wylgort, Yb 13
15th Syssolski 13,956 6,070.75 2.3 13,956 Wisinga Country: Gagschor , Kunib , Kuratowo , Meschador , Palaus , Pyjoldino , Saoserje , Tschuchlem , Wisindor , Wisinga, Wottscha 11
16 Troitsko-Pechorsky 13,925 40,601.12 0.3 7,276 6,649 Troitsko-Pechorsk City: troitsko-pechorsk
Country: Jakscha , Komsomolsk on the Pechora , Kurja , Mitrofan-Dikost , Mylwa , Nischnjaja Umrah , Poktscha , Priuralski , Znamenka , Ust-Ilych River
1 10
17th Udorski 20,400 35,815.68 0.6 8,982 11,418 Koslan City: Blagojewo , Meschduretschensk , Ussogorsk
Country: Bolschaja Putschkoma , Bolschaja Pyssa , Butkan , Glotowo , Jodwa , Jortom , Koslan, Tschernutjewo , Tschim , Tschuprovo , Waschgort , Woschski
3 12
19th Ust-Kulomski 26,858 26,368.01 1 26,858 Ust-Kulom Country: Anyb , Derewjansk , Diassjorja , Don , Dsjol , Jugydjag , Kebanjol , Kertschomja , Krutoborka , Kuschba , Myjoldino , Nizhny Wotsch , Nossim , Partsch , Pomosdino , Poscheg , slip , Simstan , Timscher , Ust-Kulom, Ust-Nem , Woldino 22nd
18th Ust-Wymski 29,474 4,775.08 6.2 19,291 10.183 Aikino City: Mikun , Scheschart
Country: Aikino, Donajol , Gam , Ilja-Schor , Koschmudor , Madmas , Mescheg , Studenez , Ust-Wym , Weschaika
2 10
20th Ust-Zilemski 13,036 42,511.1 0.3 13,036 Ust-Zilma Country: Chabaricha , Jormiza , Korowi Rutschei , Neriza , Nowy Bor , Okunew Nos , Sameschnaja , Sredneje Bugajewo , Trussowo , Ujeg , Ust-Zilma 11
6th Wuktyl 14,873 22,453.18 0.7 12,356 2,517 Wuktyl City: Vuktyl
Country: Dutowo , Lemtybosch , Podtscherje , Ust-Soplesk
1 4th

Notes and individual references

  1. a b c According to OKATO and OKTMO ( memento of the original from January 14, 2013 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. As of January 1, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b number on the card
  3. a b c d e f Population figures from October 14, 2010 ( Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , p. 12–209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation))
  4. a b Status: January 1, 2012 ( Komi Republic in the database of indicators of municipal entities on the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  5. Urban-type settlements and rural settlements with at least 500 inhabitants (October 14, 2010)
  6. ^ Cities and urban-type settlements
  7. ^ Rural settlements and villages
  8. Administrative headquarters of urban (gorodskoje posselenije) and rural communities (selskoje posselenije)