Administrative Commission of the Saarland

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The Administrative Commission of the Saarland was the head of the civil Saarland management of 20 October 1946 to 20 December 1947th


Since the French military government in the occupied Saarland was dissatisfied with the work of District President Hans Neureuter , Military Governor Gilbert Grandval dissolved the regional council in October 1946 and instead set up an administrative commission. The college reflected the political majority structure as it emerged from the municipal council elections on September 15, 1946: Of the seven director posts corresponding to the office of minister, three were held by the CVP , two by the SPS and one by the CP (from 1947 by the DPS ) occupied; the seventh director was non-party. The official organ of the commission was the official gazette of the administrative commission of the Saarland .

In May 1947 the commission decided to set up a constitutional commission to prepare a Saarland constitution . After this came into force on December 17, 1947, the Administrative Commission was set up as a transitional government (Art. 131 SVerf a. F.), until finally, on December 20, the first Saarland state government began its work with the Hoffmann I cabinet .


Office Surname Political party
Chairman of the Administrative Commission Erwin Müller CVP
Director of the Interior Georg Schulte PLC
Director of Justice Erwin Müller CVP
Director of Finance Christian Grommes independent
Director of Education Emil Straus CVP
Director of labor Richard Kirn PLC
Director of economics Heinrich Danzebrink CVP
Director of Agriculture and Food Robert Neufang
(October 20, 1946 to July 7, 1947)
Otto Kindel
(July 7, 1947 to December 20, 1947)


  • President of the Saarland Parliament (ed.): 40 years of the Saarland Parliament. Krüger, Saarbrücken 1987. p. 13 ff.

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