Vetschauer Mühlenfließ

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Vetschauer Mühlenfließ
Wětošojska młyńska
Vetschauer Mühlenfließ in Vetschau

Vetschauer Mühlenfließ in Vetschau

Water code DE : 582546
location Oberspreewald , Niederlausitz , Brandenburg , Germany
River system Elbe
Drain over Südumfluter  → Spree  → Havel  → Elbe  → North Sea
origin Confluence of two nameless streams west of Schöllnitz
51 ° 39 ′ 27 ″  N , 13 ° 57 ′ 43 ″  E
muzzle at the Kossa pond near Raddusch in the Südumfluter Coordinates: 51 ° 50 ′ 2 ″  N , 14 ° 3 ′ 19 ″  E 51 ° 50 ′ 2 ″  N , 14 ° 3 ′ 19 ″  E

length 26.7 km
Catchment area 123 km²
Discharge at the Vetschau
A Eo gauge : 123 km²
Location: 6.4 km above the mouth
NNQ (09/04/1998)
MNQ 1989–1999
MQ 1989–1999
Mq 1989–1999
MHQ 1989–1999
HHQ (02/11/1995)
21 l / s
228 l / s
547 l / s
4.4 l / (s km²)
933 l / s
1.09 m³ / s

The Vetschauer Mühlenfließ , Lower Sorbian Wětošojska młyńska , is a river in the south of Brandenburg. The upper course of the river up to the confluence with the New Vetschauer Fließ near Ranzow is also known as Luckaitz .

At the confluence of the Vetschauer Mühlenfließ (coming from the right) into the Südumfluter is the hut built for the 6th  Spreewald thriller: Murderous Heat and in front of it the chopping block on which not only wood was chopped in the film.

It is a tributary waters of the Spree and rises in the Luckaitzer mountains in Lower Landrücken , passed the Reptener ponds , flowing west to the eponymous town Vetschau / Spreewald over, then after passing Stradow , the Stradower ponds , the Kossateich ultimately Radduscher boat trip to cruise and to drain into the southern floodplain of the Oberspreewald . The catchment area of ​​the Vetschauer Mühlenfließ covers around 123 square kilometers. In Vetschau, the waters of the park of Vetschau Castle are supplied with water by the Vetschauer Mühlenfließ.

The flow rate of the river, which is about two to three meters wide, is only slow. The banks are mostly steep and have only a few woody vegetation. The amount of water carried is relatively small. The original water balance was disrupted by an existing lignite mine . Today the river mainly carries mine water . In the area of ​​the river there are otters and green maidenheads . Parts of the mill flow belong to FFH areas .

The river became known beyond the region because the ocher formation or iron hydroxide pollution is particularly high in places due to the lignite opencast mining. Nature conservation associations such as Greenpeace fear that this could disrupt the regional ecosystem and also endanger the water quality of the Spree.


  • Decree of the Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Consumer Protection for the announcement of the conservation goals according to § 26 b Para. 3 of the Brandenburg Nature Conservation Act and for the management of the area of ​​community importance "Göritzer and Vetschauer Mühlenfließe" of November 14, 2005 , in the Official Gazette for Brandenburg - No. . 50 of December 21, 2005

Individual evidence

  1. River directory gewnet25 (Version 4.0, April 24, 2014) from the Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Agriculture of the State of Brandenburg, accessed on May 4, 2015.
  2. Decree of the Ministry ..., see above
  3. ^ German Hydrological Yearbook Elbe Region, Part II 1999 Brandenburg State Environment Agency, p. 125, accessed on November 3, 2018, at: (PDF, German).
  4. Small flow, great purpose. Lausitzer Rundschau, June 24, 2017, accessed on June 18, 2020.
  5. Brown broth from lignite mining . Contribution by Axel Flemming to Deutschlandfunk on May 22, 2013
  6. An entire ecosystem is suffocated with the mud. rbb , August 8, 2013, accessed September 6, 2014 .

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