Vincent cruiser

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Panorama view of Graz with Radetzky Bridge
Vinzenz Kreuzer Signatur.svg

Vinzenz Kreuzer (also Vinzenz Kreutzer ; born March 8, 1809 in Graz , Austrian Empire ; † May 6, 1888 ibid, Austria-Hungary ) was an Austrian academic draftsman as well as landscape and vedute painter . With his work, which in addition to landscapes mainly includes still lifes , he is artistically in the shadow of his younger brother Conrad .


Few details are known about Vinzenz Kreuzer's life. He was born in Graz in 1809 as the son of a minor civil servant named Peter. Like his brother Conrad, he studied at the state drawing academy in the Stubenberg Palace under Josef August Stark (1782–1838) and tried in vain to make the leap to the Vienna Academy . As a testimony from the Imperial and Royal Court Controller and Official Adjunct Leopold Latour, Edler von Thurnberg, shows that Vinzenz was involved in five cityscapes that Conrad made for Marie-Louise of Austria in order to increase the chances of a place at university. Already in 1831 he took a painting prerogatives and was financially better off compared to his brother. In the Lendviertel , where the two lived, he even brought it to the house owner.


Amalie cruiser
Alois Kreuzer

Vinzenz Kreuzer was married twice. In 1843 he married Anna Kronabetter, who died the following year. Their son Robert († 1877) worked as a railway conductor and was married to Maria (née Haderer; † 1884). He died in Wilten near Innsbruck . In 1852 Vinzenz Kreuzer applied for a dispensation from the marriage hindrance of the brotherhood and married Amalie Kronabetter. The connection resulted in the two sons Friedrich († 1871 at the age of eleven) and Alois († 1881 at the age of 23), the latter is said to have been a lawyer . All three children probably received drawing and painting lessons from their father. For example, there is a pencil drawing with the signature Rob. Preserved cruiser from 1865. Two oil paintings by Alois Kreuzer, which show a man on the mountain pasture and a Marterl in the countryside, are owned by the family.

Vinzenz Kreuzer died in 1888 of a combination of old age , pulmonary edema and bronchitis .


Vinzenz Kreuzer's work is shaped by a preference for the representation of nature. Unlike his brother, he mainly painted oil paintings and, in addition to views of the city of Graz and its surroundings, mainly still lifes of flowers and fruits . His early work corresponds to the sentiments of the late Romanticism , as suggested by the paintings Monk in Front of an Open Grave or The Missed Post Car. Probably the most important legacy of the artist is a series of around 180 grape varieties that he made in gouache together with his brother . The ampelographic collection was commissioned by the Styrian Agricultural Society and is considered to be particularly valuable today, especially as it documents individual varieties that were exterminated after the phylloxera was introduced .

Since certain motifs were recorded by both brothers, direct comparisons with the work of Conrad Kreuzer are possible. Wilhelm Steinböck, director of the Graz City Museum , found Vinzenz's view of Tobelbad not only more realistic, artistic and deeper in terms of its expression, but also more spontaneous in its expression than that of his brother. The much more vivid representation of the individual makes the picture qualitatively more valuable. In contrast, his illustration of Straßengel seems downright "awkward" compared to that of Conrad. As a draftsman he did not achieve the importance of his brother, but even if he did not express the topographical view so strongly, numerous drawings of topographical importance were preserved.

In 1976 Steinböck compiled a detailed list of works by the artist. Of the 74 works found, 65 are oil paintings, seven drawings as well as one tempera painting and one watercolor . Most of them were in private hands at the time of recording, the rest in the City Museum, the Neue Galerie at the Landesmuseum Joanneum , in the Styrian State Archives and in the Residenzgalerie Salzburg . The grape variety gouaches that have been in the possession of the Maribor Viticulture School since 1872 went unnoticed by him .

Works (selection)

Oil paintings

  • Madonna and Child . Copy of the Madonna of Pietro de Pomis from the Mariahilferkirche , oil on canvas, 54 × 73 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Il Moline di Claudio . Oil on canvas, 50 × 65 cm, dated 1830.
  • Landscape with evening mood . Oil on panel, 27.5 × 39.5 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • Farewell to the bride in front of the parents' house . After Eduard Ritter , oil on canvas, 49 × 62.5 cm, Neue Galerie ( Landesmuseum Joanneum ).
  • Monk in front of an open grave in front of a church in winter . Oil on canvas, 45.5 × 36.8 cm, signed V. Keuzer .
  • Landscape in Upper Styria . Oil on paper, 32 × 26 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • Tree landscape with staffage . Oil on cardboard, 34 × 26.8 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser , dated 1874.
  • Stormy sea . Oil on canvas, 65 × 84 cm, signed V. Kreuzer , dated 1843 or 1848.
  • The missed mail car . Oil on copper, 16.6 × 24.7 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • View of Tobelbad . Oil on canvas, 42 × 52.8 cm, signed painted by V. Kreuzer 1845 .
  • The Weinzödlbrücke with the ruins of Gösting . Oil on paper, 38.2 × 50 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • View of Straßengel near Graz . Oil on oak, 20.5 × 17 cm, monogrammed, Neue Galerie (Landesmuseum Joanneum).
  • Mura meadow landscape with soaring wild ducks . Oil on canvas, 28 × 45 cm.
  • Maria Grün and Kroisbach Castle . Oil on canvas, 48 ​​× 62 cm, signed Vinzenz Kreuzer .
  • The Königssee . Oil on canvas, 31.6 × 41.7 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Thalersee by moonlight . Oil on canvas, 57 × 69.5 cm, signed V. Kreuzer, pinxit
  • The so-called robber house near St. Johann on Mariatroster Strasse . Oil on cardboard, 13.7 × 18.3 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • The Andritzer origin . Oil on paper, 24 × 26.5 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Stretch hammer near Mixnitz . Oil on panel, 27.5 × 38 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Lower Styrian bath . Oil on sheet metal, 25.5 × 32.3 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • Berchtesgaden . Oil on canvas, 56 × 68 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • View of Graz from the Rosenberg . Oil on canvas, 63.5 × 83.4 cm, signed after nature, drawn and painted Vinzenz Kreuzer 838 .
  • On the Graz Schlossberg . Oil on wood, 27 × 20.5 cm, signed V. Kreuzer , Stadtmuseum Graz .
  • In front of the Graz Calvary . Oil on cardboard, 30.5 × 41 cm, Graz City Museum.
  • The digester mill in Andritz . Oil on canvas, 55.7 × 73.5 cm, signed V. Kreuzer , Stadtmuseum Graz.
  • The church in Vordernberg with the Präbichl . Oil on sheet metal, 21 × 27 cm.
  • Dolomite landscape . Oil on canvas, 31 × 40 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • Still life with peaches, a bowl of currants, a butterfly and a bumblebee . Oil on sheet metal, 31.5 × 40 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Still life, glass with roses . Oil on spruce wood, 48 × 38 cm, Neue Galerie (Landesmuseum Joanneum).
  • Still life with squirrels and fruits . Oil on canvas, 78 × 66.5 cm, signed Vinz. Kreuzer 848 , Residenzgalerie Salzburg .
  • Still life of fruit and flowers with plums, peaches, field and garden flowers in a clay vase . 51.5 × 40.5 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Still life with peaches, grapes and Hespel . Oil on panel, 36.7 × 49.4 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser pinxit 840 .
  • Fox creeping up on hens . Oil on copper, 33.5 × 25.5 cm.
  • Seascape with deer and golden eagle . Oil on wood, 33 × 44 cm, signed Vinzenz Kreuzer .
  • Hunter with horse on a lake . Oil on canvas, 53.6 × 42.2 cm, signed Vinzenz Kreuzer .
  • Genoveva Kreuzer born Rath, wife of Conrad Kreuzer . Oil on canvas, 59 × 45 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Amalie Kreuzer b. Kronabetter, wife of Vinzenz Kreuzer . Oil on panel, 29.5 × 23.5 cm.
  • Louis Kreuzer, son of Vincent Kreuzer . Oil on panel, 32 × 24 cm, dated 1872.

Tempera pictures and watercolors

  • Radetzkystraße 9 . Tempera on paper, 10.6 × 16 cm, Graz City Museum.
  • Cockscomb . Watercolor and body color, 44.7 × 54 cm, signed Vinz. Kreuzer , Neue Galerie (Landesmuseum Joanneum).


  • Alpine landscape with Marterln . Pencil drawing, 20.4 × 28.5 cm, signed V. Kreuzer .
  • Mariatrost . Pen drawing with pencil sketches, 28.1 × 40.6 cm, signed Vinz. Cruiser .
  • Graz from the south . Pen and ink drawing (sheet, glued in four pieces), 27.4 × 42.5 cm.
  • Ascent to the Calvary . Pencil drawing, 24.8 × 39.4 cm, Graz City Museum.
  • The Neutor of Graz . Pen drawing, Styrian State Archives .


Web links

Commons : Vinzenz Kreuzer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wilhelm Steinböck: Grazer landscape and vedute painter of the Biedermeier period - Conrad Kreuzer 1810–1861, Vinzenz Kreuzer 1809–1888. Series of publications by the Graz City Museum Volume I, Leykam , Graz / Vienna 1976, ISBN 3-7011-7064-9 , p. 97.
  2. Wilhelm Steinböck, pp. 98-99.
  3. ^ Wilhelm Steinböck, p. 100.
  4. ^ Wilhelm Steinböck, p. 101.
  5. a b Primož Premzl (ed.): Zbirka ampelografskih upodobitev Vinzenza in Conrada Kreuzerja. Umetniški kabinet, Maribor 2001, ISBN 978-961-6055-17-8 , 268 pages (Slovenian).
  6. Wilhelm Steinböck, pp. 101-102.
  7. Wilhelm Steinböck, pp. 134-138.