Vitus Erbermann

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Justa expostulatio cum lutheranis doctoribus , Würzburg 1663

Vitus (Veit) Erbermann , also Ebermann , (born May 25, 1597 in Rentweinsdorf , † April 8, 1675 in Mainz ) was a German Jesuit and Catholic controversial theologian .


Vitus Erbermann grew up as a child of Lutheran parents in Rentweinsdorf in Lower Franconia, which was untouched by the Counter Reformation , but converted to the Catholic Church at a young age. In 1620 he joined the Jesuit order in Mainz . Later he was professor of theology in Würzburg, Fulda and Mainz for decades .

Erbermann developed a lively controversial theological writing activity and was in charge of formulating the Catholic no to the church union plans of Georg Calixt and Hermann Conring , which were based on a consensus quinquesaecularis ("consensus of the first five centuries"). He also dealt with two theologians from the University of Jena , the Orthodox Lutheran Johannes Musaeus and the former Jesuit Andreas Wigand , who had converted to the Lutheran Church and a former companion.


Individual evidence

  1. Article Veit Erbermann ( Catholic Encyclopedia , English)
  2. ↑ on this Johannes Wallmann : Helmstedter Theologie in Conring's time . In: Michael Stolleis (ed.): Hermann Conring (1606–1681). Contributions to life and work . Berlin 1983, p. 48f.

Web links

Commons : Vitus Erbermann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files