Robert Haass

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Robert Haaß (born March 6, 1898 in Orken , † March 29, 1968 in Cologne ) was a German Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Cologne , archivist and historian . From 1950 to 1967 he headed the historical archive of the Archdiocese of Cologne . From 1961 to 1965 he had a teaching position for Rhenish church history and Cologne diocesan history at the University of Bonn .


Robert Haaß, son of a lathe operator , graduated from the Prinz-Georg-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf in 1917 . Then he had to serve as a soldier on the Western Front , where he was injured in the war . After the war ended, he studied philosophy and theology at the University of Bonn and entered the Cologne seminary in 1921 . On March 5, 1922, he received 56 other deacons in the cathedral by Archbishop Cardinal Karl Joseph Schulte , the ordination . He then became a chaplain at St. Lucia (Stolberg) and in 1924 at the former Dominican Church of St. Paul in Aachen . From 1928 to 1938 he was chaplain at St. Margaret (Graurheindorf) , 1938-1940 parish rector at St. Ulrich in the hamlet in the plane , 1940-1949 Rector pastor of St. George in Widdig and 1949-1957 parish administrator at Great St. Martin in Cologne.

From Graurheindorf out, he continued his academic studies in Bonn continued and completed his doctorate in 1932 at Wilhelm Levison with the dissertation The Crusaders in the Rhineland to Dr. phil. and in 1936 with Wilhelm Neuss with the dissertation Johann Arnold de Reux , Vicar General of Cologne (1704–1730) as Dr. theol. During the time of National Socialism he put his church history work in the service of the defense against anti-church "horror tales" and was therefore interrogated by the Gestapo in August 1937 . For this reason and for health reasons, he was unable to complete the planned habilitation . The habilitation thesis prepared for this was published in 1952 under the title The Spiritual Attitude of the Catholic Universities in Germany in the 18th Century .

On February 2, 1950, Haaß was appointed director of the historical archive of the Archdiocese of Cologne. His term of office was marked by the restructuring and intensification of archival work after the Second World War and by the endeavor to make the sources more journalistic. In 1951 he founded the series Studies on the History of the Archdiocese of Cologne . He wrote 14 articles for the New German Biography . From 1953 to 1961 he was chairman of the working group of German diocese archivists . In 1958 the Cologne diocesan archive moved into new rooms in Gereonstrasse.

In addition to archival work, he held lectures on Rhenish church history from 1961 to 1965 at the Catholic theological faculty of the University of Bonn. In 1961 he was appointed papal secret chamberlain . From 1964 onwards, Haaß's health deteriorated. He went blind and had dementia symptoms . At the beginning of 1967 he was released from his duties as archive director. The following year he spent two weeks in the psychiatric hospital in Cologne-Ensen , where he died in March 1968.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Haas, p. 381