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Vivilo († 20 / 21 February 746 / 747 ) was the first bishop of Passau (around 731/737 to 746/747).

His name suggests that he was probably an Anglo-Saxon . Vivilo received his episcopal ordination around 731/737 in Rome by Pope Gregory III. personally.

Vivilo was already ordained bishop when Boniface came to Bavaria in 739 to reorganize the churches there. He remained in office while new bishops were installed in all other dioceses. A donation for the new Fulda monastery has come down to us from his tenure . Under him, the body of St. Valentinus was probably with the help of Tassilo III. moved from Trento to Passau.

Due to a lack of sources, very little is known about Vivilo. Documents and letters from the 10th century claimed that Vivilo was bishop of Lauriacum before his time in Passau and that he then moved his seat to Passau (Lorcher forgeries). This was intended to justify claims of the Diocese of Passau to a privilege over the Archdiocese of Salzburg for church organization in the east.


  • Egon Boshof (Ed.): The Regesta of the Bishops of Passau 731–1206. Munich 1992, Volume 1, pp. 1-3.


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Individual evidence

  1. Joachim Jahn, 1991, p. 158.
predecessor Office successor
? Bishop of Passau