Volker Ebersbach

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Volker Ebersbach (2014)

Volker Ebersbach (born September 6, 1942 in Bernburg (Saale) ) is a German writer .


Volker Ebersbach was born and raised in Bernburg / Saale, he attended the Goethe School and the Heinrich Heine School as elementary schools and then the secondary school (today Carolinum High School ). Here he was greatly encouraged by his German teacher and art teacher Karl Görner , who suggested that he study German in Jena in particular. Ebersbach later set a literary memorial for him in the book “The Last Journey of Württemberg” under the title “His praise was: Guter Rat”.

Ebersbach followed the advice of both his Latin teacher Lange and his German teacher Görner and, after graduating from high school and training as a locksmith, studied classical philology and German studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) from 1961 to 1966 . Here he received special support from the then director of the Institute for German Studies Joachim Müller . His lectures on modern German literature were suggested to him by Karl Görner before he graduated from high school.

Ebersbach also owes a lot of suggestions and tips to the classical philologist and at the same time to his doctoral supervisor Ernst Günther Schmidt , whose first doctoral student he was. Ebersbach received his doctorate in 1967 from the FSU on the Roman satirist Titus Petronius . Schmidt's request to make Ebersbach a senior assistant and thus his successor as professor for classical philology failed because of Ebersbach's refusal to join the SED. He then taught German as a foreign language from 1967 in Leipzig , 1968 in Baghdad , 1971 to 1974 at the University of Budapest , where he also lived with his family.

He has been a freelance writer , translator and editor since 1976 . He writes short stories and novels, short prose, poems, essays, children's books, biographies and anecdotes. He has translated selected works by Catullus, Virgil, Ovid, Petronius, the Waltharilied, Janus Pannonius and Jan Kochanowski from Latin.

In 1985 Ebersbach received the Lion Feuchtwanger Prize , and in 1993 he received a scholarship from the Künstlerhaus Wiepersdorf and the Stuttgart Writers' House . From 1997 to 2002 he was town clerk in Bernburg. He then taught at the University of Leipzig until 2004.

Ebersbach, who has been a member of the PEN Center Germany since 1994 , has published prose , poetry and essays . Individual works have been translated into Slovenian and Korean . He lives on the outskirts of Leipzig .

Works (selection)

Prizes and awards

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Volker Ebersbach: The last journey of the Württemberg. Stories, memories. VentVerlag, Leipzig 2012, p. 150, ISBN 978-3-942560-05-4 .