Volker Stahlmann

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Volker Stahlmann (also Volker Reinalt Siegfried Stahlmann ; born December 30, 1944 in Coburg ) is a German economist and pioneer of environmentally responsible corporate management who advocates a culture of sustainability .

Live and act

Stahlmann is the son of Gerhard and Anne-Marie Stahlmann. After his father fell in World War II , he was adopted by his brother in 1948 and grew up in the Fichtel Mountains . He attended the humanistic high school Casimirianum and the musical high school Albertinum in Coburg , where he passed the final examination in June 1964 . His inclinations were on the one hand artistic (poetry, painting, music), but also applied the economy in a holistic responsibility.

In 1964 he began his studies at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Nuremberg and did an internship at the Chamber of Commerce in Reggio / Emilia as well as a language course in Viareggio . In 1969 he passed his exams as a qualified economist . His doctorate as Dr. rer. pole. he graduated in 1972 under Wilhelm Henke (Chair of Public Law) with magna cum laude .

Stahlmann worked at the Nuremberg Urban Development Institute from 1973 to 1975. He participated in the redevelopment and development plans of cities and municipalities and published empirical studies on "environmental protection in urban development" and "densification and quality of life". In 1976 he moved to Siemens AG in the Medical Technology division in Erlangen (now Healthineers ). His areas of activity were company controlling worldwide in the commercial department and later inventory controlling, capacity and utilization planning as well as material disposition in the production control of the second largest Siemens company in Germany.

In 1982 he was appointed professor at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg (today TH Nürnberg ), Faculty of Business Administration, for the departments of general business administration , industrial management , in particular manufacturing management and industrial accounting. In 1983 he introduced the subject of " environmental economics ". In 1989, at his instigation, the compulsory subject of environmentally responsible corporate management was introduced for the first time at a German university within the fundamentals of business administration . From 1992 to 1994 he was a lecturer for environmental management at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (chair Horst Steinmann ). He did not pursue his admission to the habilitation in 1992.

During his practical research semesters, he was with the National Working Group for Environmentally Conscious Management (BAUM) in Hamburg in 1988 , with the capital venture company Ökologik AG in Erlangen (which he co-founded ) in 1997/98 and with the KNAUF gypsum works in Satteldorf in 2002 (with the development of a in-process cost accounting). As a representative for the cooperation with Italian universities, he held several lectures on “Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Imprese” at the “Universitá degli Studi di Cagliari” in March 2006.

In addition to publications, he was involved in several research projects as a consultant and processor (e.g. environmentally-oriented corporate management FUUF: BMU and UBA ; preparation of life cycle assessments: IÖW ; comprehensive corporate life cycle assessment, assessment of the environmental performance of companies: DBU). He was also involved in various video and television films in the development phase of environmental management.

Until 2006 he was a juror for the “Capital Eco Manager Prize”; until 2014 scientific advisory board at the "Association for Ecology and Environmental Research" (Vienna); until 2015 chairman of the jury for the Neumarkter Lammsbräu sustainability award ; until 2018 co-editor of the magazine "UmweltWirtschaftsForum" and to this day member of the BUND working group for economic issues and of the Association for Ecological Economic Research (VÖW).

In 2006 Stahlmann resigned from active university service.

Focus in research and teaching

Stahlmann's goal was the development of a socio-ecological economy from a holistic point of view with a transformative understanding of science. For him, this also included his own lifestyle with a balance between gainful employment, personal work and artistic activity. In his publication “Learning Objective: Economics of Sustainability” (2008), this connection is particularly expressed in a systematic overview. In close cooperation with medium-sized pioneering companies, practical concepts for environmentally responsible corporate management were developed. Stahlmann worked closely with Georg Winter and the Federal Working Group for Environmentally Conscious Management (BAUM) and received the BAUM Environment Prize in 1994.

Stahlmann played a key role in the planning and implementation of the hydropower plant for the Konrad-Adenauer Bridge in Nuremberg from 1992 to 2002.

Private and engagement

Stahlmann has a son from his first marriage and married Renate Kirchhof-Stahlmann in 1984. In 2009 he and his wife bought a listed train station in Ottensoos, which was opened in 2012 as the “Forum for Sustainable Development and Art Museum Renate Kirchhof-Stahlmann”. The Ottensoos cultural station has received several awards from UNESCO as a project for education for sustainable development.

Since 2014 he works u. a. with Eberhard Seidel on the project Rights of Nature / Biocracy launched by Georg Winter , on which a conference took place in November 2017 in the cultural station Ottensoos in cooperation with the city of Nuremberg.

Publications (selection)

  • Democratization of the economy as a problem of the state constitution . Dissertation, Nuremberg 1973.
  • Environmentally oriented materials management. The optimization concept for resources, recycling, returns . Gabler, Wiesbaden 1988, ISBN 978-3-409-13917-5 .
  • On the necessary reform of the environmental officer in the company . In: IÖW series of publications, Volume 34, 1989.
  • Environmental economics in business administration . In: Company & Environment . Issue 4, 1989.
  • Greening corporate policy through integrated materials management . In: Handbook of Environmental Protection (Ed .: Vogl, Heigl, Schäfer), 46th edition, January 1989.
  • FUUF, model project for environmentally-oriented corporate management . Part of production and materials management. Ed .: Federal Environment Agency , Reports No. 11, 1991.
  • Environmentally responsible corporate management. Structure and use of an eco-controlling . Beck, Munich 1994, ISBN 978-3-406-38367-0 .
  • Bavaria Brewery Guide . Ed .: BayStMLU in cooperation with INTECHNICA, Munich 1994.
  • Environmental management and growth constraints . In: Money and Growth . Ed .: HC Binswanger, Weitbrecht Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 978-3-522-71670-3 .
  • With the EC eco-audit regulation for sustainable development? In: K. Fichter, The EG-Eco-Audit-Regulation , Munich / Vienna 1995, p. 9ff.
  • Eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness - can the environmental progress of a company be measured? In: UmweltWirtschaftsForum . Issue 4, 1996.
  • Objective and content of ecological accounting . In: UmweltWirtschaftsForum . 6th year, issue 3, 1998.
  • Life cycle assessment . In: G. Winter (Ed.), The environmentally conscious company . 6th edition Munich 1998, ISBN 978-3-8006-2301-3 , pp. 759ff.
  • Support of environmental management through environmental accounting . In: E. Seidel, Corporate Environmental Management in the 21st Century . Berlin 1999, ISBN 978-3-642-64320-0 , pp. 231ff.
  • Ecological materials management . In: Lexicon on business and economic environmental economics . Munich 2000.
  • with Jens Clausen: Environmental performance of companies. From eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness . Gabler, Wiesbaden 2000, ISBN 978-3-409-11723-4 .
  • Ecological assessment procedures and assessment of environmental impacts using the ABC method . In: BMU (Hrsg.): Handbuch Umweltcontrolling . 2nd edition Munich 2001, ISBN 978-3-8006-2536-9 , pp. 217ff.
  • Can companies provide environmental services in the long term - and if so, how? In: Liberalization and Sustainability (Expert discussion on the occasion of the environmental conference of the Association for Ecology and Environmental Research on September 21-22, 2000 in Jochenstein), Ecology and Ethology series . Vol. 27, Vienna 2001.
  • Eco-controlling . In: Müller, Uecker, Zehbold (ed.): Controlling for industrial engineers . Leipzig 2002 (2nd edition 2006), ISBN 978-3-446-40566-0 .
  • Learning objective: economics of sustainability . With illustrations by Renate Kirchhof-Stahlmann. Oekom-verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-86581-099-1 .
  • Natural law of nature - profit for whom? Metropolis Verlag, Marburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7316-1132-5 .
  • with Renate Kirchhof-Stahlmann: Biocracy from a female point of view - for the appreciation of life (= G. Winter (Hrsg.): Business writings on the rights of nature / biocracy . Vol. 20). Marburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7316-1180-6 .
  • Stories of the Economy - Illusions, Self-Deception and Transformations . Ottensoos / Kassel 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DBU - Eco-Efficiency and Eco-Effectiveness in Medium-Sized Business Practice | Project database. Retrieved May 9, 2020 .
  2. UmweltWirtschaftsForum: uwf; the economically and ecologically oriented trade journal . In: EconBiz . ( econbiz.de [accessed on May 9, 2020]).
  3. Kirchhof-Stahlmann, Renate: Learning objective: Economics of sustainability: an application-oriented overview . Oekom-Verl, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-86581-099-1 .
  4. ^ Community Ottensoos in the district of Nürnberger Land: Kulturbahnhof. Retrieved May 9, 2020 .
  5. Home --rechte-der-natur.de. Retrieved May 9, 2020 .
  6. Review of events in 2017. Accessed on May 9, 2020 (German).
  7. a b Environment Economic Forum: uwf; the economically and ecologically oriented trade journal . In: EconBiz . ( econbiz.de [accessed on May 9, 2020]).