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Vuojatätno River (looking west)

Vuojatätno River (looking west)

location Norrbottens län ( Sweden )
River system Lule älv
Drain over Stora Luleälven  → Lule älv  → Baltic Sea
origin Lake Vastenjaure
67 ° 30 ′ 45 ″  N , 16 ° 50 ′ 5 ″  E
Source height 546  m above sea level
muzzle in the Akkajaure reservoir Coordinates: 67 ° 37 ′ 52 "  N , 17 ° 22 ′ 24"  E 67 ° 37 ′ 52 "  N , 17 ° 22 ′ 24"  E
Mouth height 423  m above sea level
Height difference 123 m
Bottom slope 4.4 ‰
length 28 km
Left tributaries Varka, Sieperjåkkå
Right tributaries Sjnjuftjutisjåkkå
Flowing lakes Kutjaure

The Vuojatätno is a river in the Swedish province of Norrbotten County .

The Vuojatätno forms the outflow of Lake Vastenjaure in the Padjelanta National Park . Its direction of flow is east-northeast. After 8 km the Varka, the outflow of the Sallohaure , flows into the Vuojatätno from the left. After another 7 km the Vuojatätno flows into the Kutjaure , which is also fed from the north by Sieperjåkkå . Shortly after leaving the Kutjaure, the Sjnjuftjutisjåkkå coming from the south meets the Vuojatätno. It now forms the northern border of the Stora Sjöfallet National Park . After a total of 28 km the Vuojatätno reaches the Akkajaure , the water level of which varies greatly due to its regulation.

The Vuojatätno thus forms the main source river of the Stora Luleälven . It drains the entire Padjelanta area, in the south to the Sulitjelma massif , in the west to the Norwegian border and in the east the western and central parts of the Sarek Mountains .

Due to its location, almost the entire catchment area and the entire course of the river are located in protected areas and in a region rich in precipitation and partially glaciated, the Vuojatätno is a water-rich and natural stream. There are several rapids. The Padjelantaleden runs not far from its south bank and crosses it shortly before it flows into the Akkajaure.

Individual evidence

  1. Sjöareal och sjöhöjd (3.32 MB; PDF) , Svenskt vattenarkiv (SVAR), Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (Swedish)