Waldviertel expressway

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The Waldviertel expressway S 3 was a projected traffic connection between Korneuburg and the state border near Neu-Nagelberg . Today the E49 serves this relation .


The Waldviertler Schnellstraße was first named to the general public in the Federal Roads Act of 1971. With this road, parts of Horner Straße (B4) and parts of Waldviertler Straße (B2) were to be combined into a new street. The course was given as Korneuburg - Stockerau - Hollabrunn - Horn - Gmünd / Neu-Nagelberg . The project reached the planning stage, but was never implemented in the area of ​​the Waldviertel ; only between Korneuburg and Stockerau were the plans with the Danube bank motorway implemented.

Since then, however, an unspecified Waldviertel expressway or a Waldviertel motorway has repeatedly appeared as a regional political demand. May it bring economic growth to the region and counteract emigration.

Expansion as a European route

Regardless of this, the existing federal highways along this route, the Waldviertler Straße to Horn and the Horner Straße to Stockerau, have been continuously expanded through route widening, straightening, bypasses, etc., so that an almost equivalent road connection was created, which in parts with is equipped with an additional lane and is even expanded in sections to be free of crossings thanks to bridge structures and acceleration lanes. The planning bases from the 1970s were used several times. This relation is also known as Europastrasse 49 .

The individual projects along this road link are:


The expansion of the S3 between Korneuburg and Stockerau, which had begun, was continued in the 2000s as the Weinviertel expressway via Hollabrunn towards the state border Kleinhaugsdorf .

The southern Waldviertel is also accessed via Kremser Straße (B37) , which is mostly three-lane, largely free of intersections and from Krems connected to Vienna or St. Pölten via expressways and motorways.

Individual evidence

  1. FSG NÖ: Why does LH Pröll want to destroy the future of the Waldviertel? , Press release of the FSG Lower Austria on Nov. 28, 2012
  2. ^ Motion for a resolution by MPs Waldhäusl, Gabmann, Rosenkranz, Ing.Huber and Königsberger regarding: Construction of a motorway / expressway for the Waldviertel, 2013, PDF ( Memento of the original from September 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.fpoe-noe.at
  3. Norbert Hofer wants to promote the Waldviertel motorway project on diepresse.at, accessed on January 12, 2018

Web links