Valentina Mikhailovna Kuznetsova

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Valentina Mikhailovna Kuznetsova

Valentina Mikhailovna Kuznetsova ( Russian Валентина Михайловна Кузнецова ; born January 21, 1937 in Moscow ; † September 3, 2010 ) was a Soviet - Russian radio technician and polar researcher .


At the beginning of the German-Soviet War , Kuznetsova's father was drafted into the Red Army and sent to the front . The mother and her two children returned to their home village in Kursk Oblast , where they survived the German occupation. After the war, the family fell apart, and Valentina Kuznetsova came to Moscow with her father. She went to school and was active in the Moscow House of Pioneers . She was enthusiastic about skiing and won the state championship for juniors.

Kuznetsova studied at the Moscow Technical College for Architecture and Construction from 1951 to 1955 . She then worked as an architect-technician in the Gipropischtscheprom project planning institute for the food industry. As a first-rate skier, she took part in the squad of the Pishchevik sports company several times in Moscow championships .

1956 Kuznetsova began night school at the Radio - Faculty of Moscow State Aviation Institute (MAI) . She then left the Gipropishscheprom and, with the support of the sports faculty, was accepted into the day study of the radio faculty in 1957. In the squad of the MAI selection of the sports society Nauk (science), she successfully took part in many ski championships. She married in 1958 and had their daughter Irina in 1961 . She was accepted into the national team and trained together with Alewtina Pavlovna Kolchina . In 1962, she completed her studies at MAI and now worked at the NIIRP Research Institute for Radio Equipment .

In 1966 Kuznetsova founded the ski group Metelitsa (Snowstorm), of which she was the captain. With the group she prepared independent polar research expeditions and carried out 12 expeditions to the Arctic , 3 expeditions to the Antarctic and 4 rallies in Scandinavia and Northern Europe . She was president of the Meteliza International Polar Expedition and Sports Center.

Kuznetsova was buried in the Moscow Vostryakovo cemetery. In 2011 the book about Metelitsa on the Poles of the Earth by Kuznetsova was published with Irina Bojanowna Solowjewa as co-author.

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b Памяти Валентины Кузнецовой, главной Метелицы страны (accessed May 26, 2020).
  2. a b Светлана Самара: Русская " Метелица ", которую больше знают на западе, чем в России . In: На Западе Москвы . May 25, 2018 ( [1] [accessed May 25, 2020]).
  3. Команда "Метелица" (accessed on May 26, 2020).
  4. Легендарная "Метелица" (accessed on May 26, 2020).
  5. Кузнецова В. М .: " Метелица" у полюсов земли: история единственной в мире научно-исследовательской команды лыжниц уникальный опыт российских женщин-участниц арктических и антарктических экспедиций . Паулсен, 2011, ISBN 5-98797-064-4 .