Walter Blumenberg

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Walter Blumenberg (born January 13, 1895 in Hajen (Emmerthal) , † November 7, 1968 in Hanover ) was a German hygienist and university professor .


Blumenberg finished his school career at the grammar school in Hameln in 1912 and from 1913 completed a medical degree at the universities of Marburg, Göttingen and Jena. From 1913 he was a member of the Alemannia Göttingen fraternity . After the outbreak of the First World War , he interrupted his studies and did military service as a volunteer in the German Army . a. awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class. After the war he was discharged from the army as a lieutenant in the reserve and in 1921 joined the paramilitary organization Stahlhelmand from there in 1924 joined the Völkischer Frontkampfbund . In 1926 he married Maria, née Gehre. The couple had three children.

After completing his studies in Jena in 1920 with the state examination, he was approved there in 1921 and was awarded a Dr. med. PhD . He then worked as an assistant to Gustav Ricker in Magdeburg and from 1924 at the Hygiene Institute of the University of Königsberg under Hugo Selter , where he completed his habilitation in 1926 . In the same year he followed Selter as a private lecturer at the University of Bonn , where he initially worked as an assistant, from 1928 as senior assistant and from 1933 as associate professor at the local hygiene institute.

He had already joined the NSDAP ( membership number 695.719) in October 1931 . He was also a member of the National Socialist Medical Association . After the handover of power to the National Socialists , he joined the SS (SS-No. 122.827) and rose there in September 1938 to SS-Obersturmführer . In 1934 he became a city councilor in Bonn and confidante of the NSDAP Reich leadership at the medical faculty of the University of Bonn.

Blumenberg took over the chair for hygiene and bacteriology at the University of Breslau from 1934 to 1945 , where he was director of the local hygiene institute. In Wroclaw, too, he was appointed shop steward of the NSDAP's university commission at the medical faculty after taking office. In 1935/36, Blumenberg was also the Gaudozentenbundführer of Silesia.

After the end of the war he worked as a professor zW ("for reuse") and specialist in laboratory diagnostics and from 1950 also worked as an expert in tuberculosis and epidemiology at a private institute in Hanover. From 1963 he worked together with his son, Friedrich Karl Blumenberg.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Michael Grüttner : Biographical Lexicon on National Socialist Science Policy (= Studies on Science and University History. Volume 6). Synchron, Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3-935025-68-8 , p. 25.
  2. a b c d Ralf Forsbach: The Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn in the “Third Reich” , Munich 2006, p. 114
  3. ^ Archives for Hygiene and Bacteriology , Volume 153, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1969, p. 97
  4. Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar , Volume 8, Berlin 1954, Col. 178
  5. Albrecht Scholz, Thomas Barth, Anna-Sophia Pappai and Axel Wacker: The fate of the teaching staff of the Medical Faculty in Breslau after the expulsion in 1945/46. In: Würzburger medical history reports 24, 2005, pp. 497-533, here: pp. 514 and 524