Walter Hostert

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Walter Hostert (born May 19, 1926 in Lüdenscheid ; † April 14, 2008 ibid) was a German local politician and honorary district administrator ( CDU ).

Life and work

After attending elementary school and high school , completing military service and being a prisoner of war, he passed the Abitur examination in 1947 . He then studied philology at the University of Münster and the Philosophical-Theological University of Paderborn. In 1952 he passed the first and in 1954 the second state examination. The doctorate to Dr. phil. took place in 1954. From 1954 Hostert worked at various grammar schools, most recently as senior director of studies at the Bergstadtgymnasium Lüdenscheid .

Since 1952 he was a member of the CDU. Among other things, he was district chairman and in the North Rhine-Westphalia regional executive board of the CDU.

He was married and had four children.


Member of the City Council of the City Lüdenscheid was Hostert 1953-1958 and from 1961 to 1976. The council of Märkischen circle he belonged from 1975 until 1999th

Of 4 November 1968 to 1989 he was a member of the Regional Assembly of the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe . At times, Hostert was chairman of the CDU parliamentary group.

Public offices

From 1969 to 1975 he was deputy mayor of Lüdenscheid and from May 23, 1975 to 1994 district administrator of the Märkisches Kreis.

Hostert was active in various committees of the district council of North Rhine-Westphalia .


On February 18, 1981, Hostert was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon and on December 22, 1987 the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class. In addition, he received numerous other decorations. He dealt intensively with the history of his home region and Lüdenscheid. His monographs include: B. the Lüdenscheider button book: Uniform buttons , the history of the Sauerland mountain association and Lüdenscheid - industrial city on the mountains .


District Day North Rhine-Westphalia: Documentation on the district administrators and senior district directors in North Rhine-Westphalia 1945–1991