Walter Tesche

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Walter Tesche , born in Wilhelm Tesche , (born March 7, 1797 in Solingen , † April 20, 1848 in Cosel ) was a German writer .


Walter Tesche was the eldest son of the businessman Carl Wilhelm Tesche (1782–?) And Sophia Friederica Petersen, widowed Niedermayer from Hanover. The father Carl Wilhelm Tesche from Kohlfurth was a partner in the renowned blade company Wilhelm Tesche Peters Sohn in Solingen . After the bankruptcy of the company in 1799, Carl Wilhelm Tesche tried various commercial transactions in Düsseldorf and after fleeing from imminent arrest, he became a fraudster wanted in Bohemia , southern Germany and Venice , whose trace is lost in England .

Wilhelm Tesche and his older brother Carl grew up with their mother in Düsseldorf and temporarily in Langenberg (Rhineland) , where their grandparents ran an inn. In 1814 he took part in the siege of Mainz as a volunteer hunter and then unsuccessfully tried to revive the blade company Wilhelm Tesche Peter's son. In 1816 he married Johanna Christina Gocht, the daughter of one of Berlin's largest cotton entrepreneurs, in Düsseldorf. In 1821 he stayed in Breslau as the “landowner from Groß Graben” , was himself the owner of the “Hotel de Pologne” for a time, and after the sale of the same he acquired the manor Schloss Ottmuth near Krappitz in the Groß Strehlitz district. In 1836 he was due to exchange fraud arrested and after Cosel in imprisonment brought the forced sale of the goods took place in 1839. During his imprisonment his extensive literary activity began under the name "Walter Tesche," and he was from 1845 to 1848 editor of the of Aloys Schreiber founded the popular women almanac "Cornelia". He served his prison sentence until at least 1844, then lived temporarily in Hirschberg and died in Cosel in 1848 of the typhus epidemic . He left behind his wife and a daughter. According to his wife, it was to be drawn up for the German National Assembly in 1848 and had campaigned for the rights of the rural population.

In his novellas he partly processed autobiographical experiences and also included his own poems. These can also be found in the almanac he published. In Die Rose von der Pzerwa he gave an interesting folklore description of the living conditions of the common people in Lower Silesia and translated songs from the water Polish .

Works (selection)

  • The layperson question, in particular: may redemption capital be deducted when calculating laypersons? and: Is there a laudemium to be paid from the endowment? . Schulz, Breslau 1841
  • Fortiletta story, in “Gedenke Mein, paperback on the year 1842”. Leipzig 1841
  • Amor in a tricot story, in "Iris, German Almanach for the year 1843". Published by Joh. Graf Mailath, Pest 1842
  • Chess of love story, in "Gedenke Mein, paperback on the year 1844". Leipzig 1843
  • Theoretical-practical instruction for the game of three chess. , Vienna 1843
  • General Lindner in "Newspaper for the Elegant World" No. 21 Berlin 1843 (novella about the Kammerswaldau Castle)
  • The hunter's bride , novella, in "Iris, German Almanach for the year 1845". Published by Joh. Graf Mailath, Pest 1844
  • A dishonorable tale, in “Gedenke Mein, paperback on the year 1845”. Leipzig 1844
  • The coal drivers. 1844 (novella, set in 1809 in the vicinity of Langenberg and Hattingen)
  • Pictures from Silesia. Leipzig 1846 (contains the novella "The Rose from the Pzerwa")
  • Count Conti story, in "Iris, pocket book on the year 1846". Published by Joh. Graf Mailath, Pest 1845
  • Constantin Faucon, historical novella from 1682–1688 , in "Iris, German Almanach for the year 1847". Published by Joh. Graf Mailath, Pest 1846
  • The Marquis of Jamaica, historical novella from 1708 , in "Iris, German Almanach for the year 1848". Published by Joh. Graf Mailath, Pest 1847
  • Stories from the Bergisches Pesth 1847 (two volumes, contain the novellas "Die Kohlentreiber" and "Die Ausgestossene")
  • Walovna. Novella . Kern, Breslau 1848
  • The Majority Certificate. Kern, Breslau 1848
  • A rent speculation . Grass, Breslau 1850 digitized
  • Descriptions from Holland . Breslau 1852 ( online )
  • Historical novellas Leipzig 1857 (contains "Fürstin Ursini" and "General Lindner")
  • The duck piet . In: German Novellenschatz . Edited by Paul Heyse and Hermann Kurz. Vol. 19. 2nd ed. Berlin, [1910], pp. 121-236. In: Weitin, Thomas (Ed.): Fully digitized corpus. The German Novellenschatz . Darmstadt / Konstanz, 2016 digitized and full text in the German text archive


  1. Peter Andreas and Hans Colsman Walter Tesche - a "Silesian poet" from the Bergisches Land , in: Romerike Berge 63rd year, issue 1 published by the Bergisches Geschichtsverein