Walther Felix Mueller

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Walther Felix Mueller (born November 23, 1879 in Leipzig , † November 4, 1970 in Wiesbaden ) was a German local politician. He was Lord Mayor of Weimar from 1920 to 1937 .


On March 29, 1920 Mueller was elected Lord Mayor of Weimar; after his re-election on April 7, 1925, he held the office until September 30, 1937. In 1931/32 Mueller was able to rule the city as a state commissioner with special powers. In 1937 Mueller was replaced by Otto Koch .


In 1937 Mueller received honorary citizenship, which he returned after 1945.


  • Mueller, Walther Felix. In: Gitta Günther , Wolfram Huschke, Walter Steiner (eds.): Weimar - Lexicon for city history. Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Successor, Weimar 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0807-5 , p. 311.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Renate Ragwitz: Mueller, Walther Felix in Weimar. Lexicon on the history of the city Gitta Günther , Wolfram Huschke, Walter Steiner (Eds.), Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Successor, Weimar 1998, ISBN 3-7400-0807-5 , p. 311.