Walter Ruttmann

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Walter Ruttmann ; Occasionally Walther Ruttmann (born December 28, 1887 in Frankfurt am Main ; died July 15, 1941 in Berlin ) was a German cameraman , film director and, alongside Hans Richter, the most important representative of German abstract experimental film .


Ruttmann studied art and architecture from 1907. He began his cinematic work with experimental short films ( Lichtspiel Opus I – IV ). In 1924 he drew the “Falcon Dream Sequence” for Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen . In 1926 he worked on Lotte Reiniger's silhouette animation film The Adventures of Prince Achmed . His most important work in film history is the montage film Berlin - The Symphony of the Big City, made in 1927 . The film documents a daily routine in the metropolis of Berlin in rhythmically cut dynamics.

Walter Ruttmann was also the director of the first full-length German sound film , which was premiered under the title Deutscher Rundfunk on August 31, 1928 at the opening of the 5th Great German Radio Exhibition in Berlin. With his Ton Montage Weekend (1930), Ruttmann also made an important contribution to the development of the radio play .

From 1933 to fit Ruttmann the conventions of after Hitler took power Nazi- dominated UFA , turned the 1933 propaganda film blood and soil , and finally created short documentaries and Nazi war propaganda . Leni Riefenstahl was inspired by Ruttmann's cutting technique and his sense of rhythm and drew him to collaborate on her work Triumph des Willens (1935).

Walter Ruttmann died in Berlin in 1941 after an operation of the consequences of an embolism .



  • 1921: Lichtspiel opus 1
  • 1921: Lichtspiel opus 2
  • 1922: the winner
  • 1924: Lichtspiel opus 3
  • 1925: Lichtspiel opus 4
  • 1927: Berlin - The symphony of the big city
  • 1928: Deutscher Rundfunk (sound film; later under the title Toki . The first sound cinema program of Tri-Ergon-Musik AG performed)
  • 1929: Melody of the World
  • 1933: Acciaio / Stahl - work makes you happy
  • 1933: blood and soil
  • 1934: Old Germanic peasant culture
  • 1935: Metal of Heaven
  • 1935: Stuttgart, the city between forest and vines
  • 1936/1937: Mannesmann
  • 1938: In the service of humanity
  • 1938: Under the sign of trust
  • 1938: Henkel - A German work at work
  • 1940: German armories
  • 1940: German tanks

Radio plays

  • 1930: Weekend (> listening)
  • 1998: Walter Ruttmann Weekend Remix . In 1998, the radio play and media art editorial team invited international artists to produce remix versions of Walter Ruttmann's Weekend for Bayerischer Rundfunk . The 11-minute length of the historical original was the only requirement for the composers and musicians, whose versions test the means and possibilities of the remix principle in very different ways. To Rococo Rot , Klaus Buhlert and Ernst Horn took part in the remix . The remix was released on CD by intermedium records . It is available as a podcast / download in the BR radio play pool.
  • 2006: Weekend 2006 . In 2006, the radio play and media art editors invited the five radio play makers Ulrich Bassenge, Hermann Bohlen, Martin Conrads, Kalle Laar and Antje Vowinckel to produce three short radio plays in the tradition of Ruttmann on the topic of “Weekend 2006”. At the same time, the BR announced a competition for other radio play makers and radio listeners, with the stipulation that a montage of original tones and noises of a maximum length of 3 minutes without copyrighted sound material should be produced. The pieces are available as podcasts / downloads in the BR radio play pool.


  • Jeanpaul Goergen (Ed.): Walter Ruttmann. A documentation. Friends of the Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-927876-00-3 ( digitized version ).
  • Hans Theodor Joel: Walther Ruttmann. The graphic yearbook. 1920, ZDB -ID 719092-x , p. 41.
  • Jürgen Kasten:  Ruttmann, Friedrich Wilhelm Walter. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 22, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-428-11203-2 , p. 306 ( digitized version ).
  • Hermann Naber: Ruttmann & Konsorten. About the early relationships between radio drama and film. In: Rundfunk und Geschichte , Vol. 32, H. 3/4, 2006, ISSN  0175-4351 , pp. 5–20.
  • Irmbert Schenk: Walter Ruttmanns culture and industrial films 1933–1941. In: Harro Segeberg (Ed.): Mediale Mobilmachung. Volume 1: The Third Reich and Film (= media history of film. Volume 4). Fink, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7705-3863-3 , pp. 103-125.
  • Michael Cowan: Walter Ruttmann and the cinema of multiplicity: avant-garde-advertising-modernity. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2014, ISBN 978-90-8964-584-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Klee : The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 503.
  2. ^ BR radio play Pool - Weekend Remix
  3. ^ BR radio play Pool - Weekend 2006