Coat of arms of the Uzbek SSR

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UsSSR coat of arms

The coat of arms of the Uzbek SSR is based on that of the Soviet Union . It shows symbols of agriculture (cotton and wheat) and communism ( hammer and sickle ). The rising sun over a map of Central Asia symbolizes the future of this continent, while the five-pointed star stands for the "socialist revolution on all five continents".

The motto “Workers of all countries, unite!” Is reproduced on the banner in Russian and Uzbek . In the Cyrilliza for Uzbek it is “ Бутун дунё пролетарлари, бирлашингиз! ”(In today's Latin script Butun dunyo proletarlari, birlashingiz! ) Written, in Russian“ Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! ».

The abbreviation of the Uzbek SSR , Ўз.С.С.Р. , was given in Uzbek only.

The Karakalpak ASSR used a variant of this coat of arms with the abbreviation ҚҚ АССР and the motto in Russian and Karakalpak language. In today's Emblem of Uzbekistan several elements of the Soviet coat of arms have been preserved.


  • Bertelsmann-Lexikon-Verlag: Flags and coats of arms of the world , 1992 ( ISBN 3-5700-1082-1 )