Coat of arms of the Russian SFSR

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Coat of arms of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.svg

The coat of arms of the Russian SFSR was officially in use from November 7, 1917 to December 1991 during the existence of the Russian SFSR , which was a republic of the Soviet Union .

Description of coat of arms

The coat of arms has an approximately round shape and consists mainly of the colors red and yellow. In the upper part a red star is depicted, which is supposed to represent belonging to communism and the hand of the liberated person of the classless society. Ears of wheat surround the heraldic shield on the left and right .

In the escutcheon you can see the hammer and sickle on a red background , which symbolize the communist state policy. Under hammer and sickle you can see a rising sun , the impression is underlined by the sun's rays .

In stands on a red background in Cyrillic letters " РСФСР " ( "RSFSR" Р оссийская С оветская Ф едеративная С оциалистическая Р еспублика R ossijskaja S owetskaja F ederatiwnaja S ozialistitscheskaja R espublika " R ussian F S ozialistische F öderative S owjet r epublic").

The lower part of the coat of arms is covered by a red band. In the middle of the volume is written in Cyrillic letters " ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН, СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ " ( PROLETARII WSECH STRAN, SOJEDINJAITES " Workers of all countries, unite ").
