Coat of arms of the Finnish region of Lapland

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Coat of arms of the Finnish region of Lapland Lapland

This page shows the coats of arms of the Finnish cities and towns in the region of Lapland .

cities and communes

Coats of arms of dissolved and old communities

Description of coat of arms

  1. In red, a wild man with a black beard and a wreath of green hair, clad in green shorts , is standing in the front, holding a golden club over his right shoulder. A flat pearl crown rests on the shield.
    Symbolism: The coat of arms of the Lapland region is derived from the coat of arms of the historic Swedish province and shows a wild man in a red shield.
  2. In blue a red-armored and red-tongued silver ptarmigan
  3. In black, a silver fish with gold deer antlers
  4. Divided into red and blue is a silver anchor at the top and a silver salmon at the bottom. A golden crown rests on the shield
  5. In black, a silver tree stump with a sharp break point, accompanied by two silver stars
  6. In red, a jumping silver salmon with a silver padlock and a black keyhole in its mouth
  7. Under a black, curved shield head, silver, a running red-tongued and red-armored black wolverine
  8. Five red flames lick the silver from the tip of a black shield foot
  9. In red, the tip of a shield foot above which a six-pointed star of the same tincture hovers
  10. Ib Silber a blue paw-tipped cross over a blue three-mountain that stands over the base of the shield
  11. In blue three (1; 2) silver six-pointed stars over a silver three-point mountain
  12. In black, three conical silver huts with red entrances
  13. In green a silver wavy ribbon above which a silver saw with two handles hovers
  14. In green a silver drawbar with pointed arms between which a yellow flame with three tongues burns
  15. In blue, a curved band of silver
  16. In black an uprooted golden tree trunk with a wooden golden barn attached
  17. In blue, four cut salmon tails are arranged with the cut side facing inwards to form a cross
  18. In black, a silver bar overlaid with a narrower red bar, which has small flames on the top. A star with six rays of silver hovers over everything
  19. In red a silver crane with a golden onion on the leek in its beak
  20. In silver a red bell tower with a blue roof and a red cross on top and three smaller roof turrets with blue roofs and windows
  21. In black, a convex silver polar light reaching to the edge of the shield with a silver four-pointed star above it
  22. In silver a multi-rayed red sun over a red three-mountain
  23. Divided into silver with a lying blue bow and blue with a silver fish
  24. Split into green and silver wavy right flank. Three red-rimmed silver fish are pole-wise.
  25. In black, a silver tree stump with a sharp break point, accompanied by two silver stars
  26. In red, two crossed silver harpoon tips lie on a silver open flight
  27. In green a silver drawbar with pointed arms between which a yellow flame with three tongues burns
  28. The silver gothic capital letter R lies in blue over a silver pointed shield base under a silver polar light

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Commons : Coat of arms of the Finnish region of Lapland  - collection of images, videos and audio files