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Ylitornion kunta
coat of arms map
Coat of arms of Ylitornio Location of Ylitornio in Finland
Basic data
State : FinlandFinland Finland
Landscape : Lapland
Administrative community : Tornio valley
Geographical location 66 ° 17 ′  N , 23 ° 40 ′  E Coordinates: 66 ° 17 ′  N , 23 ° 40 ′  E
Surface: 2,212.62 km²
of which land area: 2,029.01 km²
of which inland waterways: 183.61 km²
Residents : 4,022 (Dec. 31, 2018)
Population density : 2 people / km²
Municipality number : 976
Language (s) : Finnish
Website : ylitornio.fi

Ylitornio [ ˈylitɔrniɔ ] ( Upper / High - Tornio ) ( Swedish Övertorneå , Northern Sami Badje-Duortnus ) is a municipality in the Finnish part of Lapland .

Location and structure

Ylitornio is north of the town of Tornio to the left of the river Tornionjoki (Swedish Torne älv ), which forms the border with Sweden. The Swedish municipality on the right bank of the river is called Övertorneå .

In addition to the main town Alkkula and the southern suburbs Armassaari, Kainuunkylä and Nuotioranta (all on the banks of the Tornionjoki), some settlements in the hinterland belong to the municipality: Kaulinranta, Kuivakangas, Lohijärvi, Meltosjärvi, Närkki, Portimojärvi, Raanujärvi, Tengelanpä and Kantgeliö.

The 242 m high mountain Aavasaksa is known throughout Finland , the summit of which offers a wide view of the picturesque surroundings. Especially at the time of the midnight sun, the mountain attracts a large number of tourists. In the hinterland there are also some lakes, including the Miekojärvi , the Iso-Vietonen and the Raanujärvi . A total of around 183 km² of the Ylitornios district is taken up by water.

As in many rural communities in northern Finland, the population of Ylitornio has decreased significantly in recent decades. Of the former 12,000 inhabitants, only 4022 are left today. The dairy in the nearby suburb of Nuotioranta is still reminiscent of the formerly strong milk production.

coat of arms

Description: In silver, a faceless red sun over a red three-mountain .


As in general in the rural areas of northern Finland, the Center Party is the strongest political force in Ylitornio . In the 2008 local elections it received 56% of the vote and has an absolute majority in the local council, the highest decision-making body in local matters, with 16 out of 27 seats. The second strongest force is the Left Alliance , which, as in general, is disproportionately strong in Lapland. It received 26.3% of the vote and has seven seats on the local council. The Social Democrats and the National Gathering Party , although belonging to the three major parties nationwide, play a subordinate role in Kolari with single-digit election results and two or three members of the local council. A mandate reached a local electoral roll ( Yhteislista Ylitornion kunnan puolesta ).

Composition of the municipal council (2009–2012)
Political party 2008 election results Seats
Center Party 56.1% 16
Left alliance 26.3% 7th
Social democrats 7.3% 2
National rally party 5.5% 1
Yhteislista Ylitornion kunnan puolesta 4.5% 1


Ylitornio has a stop on the Tornio – Kolari railway line .


Web links

Commons : Ylitornio  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Maanmittauslaitos (Finnish land surveying office): Suomen pinta-alat kunnittain January 1, 2010 . (PDF; 199 kB)
  2. Statistical Office Finland: Table 11ra - Key figures on population by region, 1990-2018
  3. Finnish Ministry of Justice: Result of the 2008 local elections