Wasat Darfur

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Wasat Darfur
Libyen Zentralafrikanische Republik Tschad Ägypten de-facto Ägypten - vom Sudan beansprucht de-facto Ägypten - weder von Sudan noch von Ägypten beansprucht Südsudan Eritrea Äthiopien de-facto Sudan (vom Sudan als Teil von Dschanub Kurdufan beansprucht - vom Südsudan beansprucht) Gharb Darfur Dschanub Darfur Dschanub Kurdufan An-Nil al-azraq Sannar (Bundesstaat) Al-Dschazira (Bundesstaat) Al-Qadarif (Bundesstaat) An-Nil al-abyad Al-Chartum Kassala Nahr an-Nil al-Bahr al-ahmar Schamal Kurdufan Asch-Schamaliyya Schamal Darfur Wasat Darfur Scharq DarfurCentral Darfur in Sudan.svg
About this picture
Basic data
Capital : Zalingei
Area : km²
Residents :
Population density : Inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 : SD-DC

Governor : Yousif Tibin

Wasat Darfur ( Arabic وسط دارفور), German Central Darfur , is a federal state of Sudan and one of the five subregions of Darfur .

It was founded in January 2012 as a result of the ongoing peace process of the Darfur conflict . Its capital is Zalingei . The state was separated from parts of Gharb Darfur and Dschanub Darfur .


  • Zalingei
  • Azum
  • Wadi Salih
  • Mukjar
  • Umm Dukhun
  • Nertiti
  • Rokoro
  • Bindisi

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bashir establishes two states in Darfur ( Memento from September 11, 2012 in the Internet Archive )