Wedego from Wedel

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Wedego Graf von Wedel (born August 18, 1899 , † January 30, 1945 in Seegenfelde, district of Friedeberg Nm. ) Was a German administrative officer .


Wedego von Wedel was the son of Colonel a. D. and landowner Benno von Wedel (1847–1902) and Elsbeth geb. von Dewitz -Zachow (1870–1945). After attending grammar school in Wernigerode , he took part in the First World War and studied for a few semesters at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1919 he became a member of the Corps Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg and in 1920 he was first charged with the Corps Borussia Bonn .

Following a graduated Schönrade (von Wedemeyer) and Megow (von Heyden-Linden) Agricultural Economics he took over 1922 since the Middle Ages, family owned, located about 950 hectare manor Gerzlow in district Soldin in the Neumark. In 1925 he was adopted by his childless uncle Edgard Graf von Wedel and in 1926 he was also the owner of the Rehfeld manor, which was about 960 hectares in size and also located in the district of Soldin . Edgard von Wedel (1848–1943), chamberlain to Empress Friedrich and later master of ceremonies to Wilhelm II , had built a “Brandenburg Trianon” there.

Wedego von Wedel joined the NSDAP in 1928 because he believed that “he had found the means for the recovery of the fatherland in the National Socialist movement”. In 1933 he became a member of the Prussian State Council and in 1934 General Landscape director of Neumark . He refused to be re-elected in 1938.

During the Second World War he fought in Poland, France and Russia until he was indispensable in 1942. In 1942 he was awarded the German Cross in Gold as a major and commander of a reconnaissance unit for an escape from the Demyansk pocket . On January 30, 1945, he was shot dead by the Soviet military after interrogation in the neighboring town of Seegenfelde.

In his marriage to Ottonie geb. von Wedel (1902–1994), a daughter of the landscape director Carl von Wedel-Vehlingsdorf and Adelheid von Diest, he had five children.


  • GG Winkel : Biographical corps album of Borussia in Bonn 1821–1928 . Aschaffenburg 1928, p. 274.
  • Wolf Christian von Wedel Parlow : East Elbian nobility under National Socialism. Family memories using the example of the fronds. Göttingen 2017.

Individual evidence

  1. family database Kreise Arnswalde und Friedeberg (Neumark) - Graf von Wedel Wedego on
  2. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 140, 1315