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Shorthair Weimaraner
Long-haired Weimaraner
FCI Standard No. 99
1.1 Type ' Braque '
Origin :


Withers height:

Males : 59–70 cm.
Bitches: 57–65 cm


Males: 30–40 kg.
Bitches: 25–35 kg

Varieties :
  • Short haired
  • Long haired
Breeding standards:


List of domestic dogs

The Weimaraner is a German dog breed recognized by the FCI ( FCI Group 7, Section 1.1, Standard No. 99 ).

Origin and history

There are numerous theories about the origin of the Weimaraner Pointing Dog . What is certain is that the Weimaraner was kept at the Weimar court by Grand Duke Karl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1757–1828) at the beginning of the 19th century . From around 1890 the breed was bred according to plan (initially almost exclusively in Thuringia ) and recorded in the stud book . In 1897 the association for pure breeding of the silver-gray Weimaraner pointing dog was founded, from which today's German breed club emerged.


The Weimaraner is a conspicuous dog , up to 70 cm in size and 40 kg in weight , which is still mainly used for hunting, less often as a pure companion dog . Characteristic is the silver, deer or mouse-gray fur and the light to dark amber-colored eyes, which are sky blue in puppyhood. The ears are broad and quite long, reaching about the corner of the mouth, set high and narrow, rounded to a point at the bottom. It is bred in two batches with different coat structures:

  • Short hair : Medium- short , strong, very dense, smoothly fitting outer hair . With little or no undercoat .
  • Long hair : Soft, long outer hair with or without an undercoat. Smooth or slightly wavy. Good feathers and pants .

The trait of long-hairedness is inherited recessively , so there are short-haired Weimaraners who inherit long-hairedness. Longhaired Weimaraners have long been undesirable in breeding and were killed as puppies. It was not until 1936 that "Illo vom Hipkendahl No. 1468" was added to the stud book. In 1935 z. B. at "Tell Stranzendorf" (owner of the later president of the Austrian Weimaraner Association R. Pattay) or "Traute" (the coastal fisherman and hunter Johann Linneberg from Neuharlingersiel , so in completely different regions) the special hunting suitability was determined.

The Weimaraner is also recognized by other breed associations including the American Kennel Club and the British The Kennel Club . Their standards differ from those of the FCI. For example, the KC describes the eye color as amber or blue-gray, the AKC describes it as light amber, gray or blue-gray.


The Weimaraner is a versatile, affectionate hunting dog with a persistent, not too spirited search. Its excellent nose as well as its wild and predatory sharpness are appreciated . The dog is particularly suitable for work after the shot ( bloodhound , getting lost, etc.). There are Weimaraners that are used as therapy dogs .


Because Germany is the country of origin of the Weimaraner, the breeding association in the Association for the German Dog System (VDH) is also developing the breed standard that is published by the FCI. Therefore, sports and breed clubs that belong to the FCI, for in Germany thrown puppies exclusively issued by him pedigrees recognized.

In the 2017 breeding period, a total of 482 puppies were registered in the VDH. Dogs that are to be admitted to breeding must - in addition to the aforementioned papers - meet numerous requirements: In addition to the purely appearance, this also includes proof of appropriate hunting tests, a character test and an examination for hip dysplasia . In addition, checks are made to ensure that relatives who are too close are not mated so that the risk of inbreeding depression is reduced as much as possible.

The dogs bred in the German Weimaraner Club are only given to hunters by most breeders. Since the Weimaraner is a working hunting dog , the breeding selection in this association is not only based on beauty, but also on performance, character and health. In countries where suitability as a hunting dog is not a prerequisite for breeding, the breed is bred for the exterior, i.e. for an external appearance that comes as close as possible to the breed standard.

There has been increasing tendency for a number of years to breed the Weimaraner outside of the Weimaraner club. The reason for this is the still rigid sales practice of the breeders organized in this club, while the development of the Weimaraner into a fashion dog is increasing the demand for puppies among buyers who are not interested in hunting. The resulting “parallel breeding” is not subject to the control of an umbrella organization .


  • Manfred Hölzel: The Weimaraner Pointing Dog. Information sheet about history, attitude, leadership, club organization. Self-published, Salmtal 1980, DNB 810418630 .
  • Werner Petri: Weimaraner today. Questions and answers about an old German pointing dog breed. Kynos Verlag , Mürlenbach 2001, ISBN 3-933228-30-1 .
  • Anne Schuck: Weimaraner ahead! Purchase, training, management and keeping of the gray working dog. Self-published, Angermünde 2000, ISBN 3-00-007333-7 .
  • Gila and Anton Fichtlmeier: Weimaraner. History, attitude, training, employment. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-440-11853-5

Individual evidence

  1. Petri: Weimaraner today. 2001, p. 139.
  2. Therapy dogs in action. In: Volksstimme Sachsen-Anhalt , from January 24, 2012, p. 3, pictures online .
  3. VDH puppy statistics Weimaraner
  4. Weimaraner And again a hunting dog becomes a fashion dog. In: Welt online , October 24, 2007.

Web links

Commons : Weimaraner  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files