Werner Bab

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Werner Bab (born October 2, 1924 in Oberhausen ; † July 31, 2010 in Berlin ) was a German Holocaust survivor.


Stolperstein , Schönhauser Allee 187, in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

From 1929 Werner Bab lived in Berlin , but the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935 forced him to continue his school career in the boarding school for Jewish children in Szczecin.

After the school closed shortly after the “ Reichskristallnacht ” in 1938, he moved back to Berlin. He tried to flee to Switzerland in 1942 , but was arrested by the Gestapo and deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp . Although selected as an inmate with the number 136857 for “special treatment”, Bab survived the concentration camp. He was finally liberated on May 6, 1945 in the Ebensee concentration camp by the US Army .

His mother, who now lives in San Francisco , found out by chance from the German-Jewish magazine Aufbau that her son had survived the Holocaust. Werner Bab reached California via New Orleans from Bremerhaven in a troop transport .

But Werner Bab longed for his homeland. Like his father, he felt “faithfully German” and ultimately returned to Germany as the only family member.

From 1958 Bab built an existence in the automotive industry. Car dealerships were opened on Wittenbergplatz , in Spandau , Charlottenburg and Wedding . Fiat Bab has been part of the cityscape of Kreuzberg since 1990 . His shop at Kreuzbergstrasse 78 was well known in the city.

The biography of a Holocaust survivor, periods of time by Werner Bab by Christian Ender, shows his struggle for survival and that of his Jewish fellow citizens at the time of the Holocaust.

Werner Bab was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon since May 16, 2006 .


  • Werner Bab: I died at Auschwitz , in: Katrin Rohnstock (Ed.): People die wherever people live. 16 Protocols on parting with life , Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-89602-774-0

Web links

Commons : Werner Bab  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files