Werner Dobelmann

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Werner Dobelmann

Werner Heinrich Dobelmann (born October 16, 1913 in Münster ; † August 7, 1985 in Bad Salzuflen ) was a German local history researcher and author of numerous folkloric and historical treatises about his place of residence, Münster, and in particular about his and his ancestors' home, the Osnabrück Nordland .


Childhood and adolescence

The job of criminal secretary brought about the relocation of Werner Dobelmann's father, Theodor Friedrich Bernhard Dobelmann, who was born in Suttrup (today part of Nortrup ) on July 13, 1879 , and his wife Katharina Elisabeth Agnes Dobelmann, born in Nortrup on September 23, 1883. Middendorf, to Münster in Westphalia, where the couple, married since 1908, their son Werner was born on October 16, 1913. However, in his childhood and youth visited Werner Dobelmann, an "instinctive inclination" following, regularly in the artländischen peaceful landscape yard of his maternal grandparents, Hermann and Lisette (born Janning) Middendorf, Heuer pieces in the Börslage in Nortrup, which after death the grandparents had continued to run by an uncle of Werner Dobelmann. This Kotten , of which nothing apart from the old court oaks has survived, belonged to the Loxten estate ; Dobelmann's paternal grandparents, Wilhelm and Maria Adelheid (née Gramann) Dobelmann, were first hired by a Kottens at the Möhlmann / Klümke farm, and then took up a hiring position at the Hallermann / Pieper farm in Suttrup across from the Blome restaurant. After the high school diploma passed in Münster in 1934, the labor service led Werner Dobelmann to Bersenbrück and thus back to the vicinity of Artland . The work and voyages of discovery of the high school graduate in this way contributed to the "emotional apprehension" laid down in childhood with the "intellectual knowledge" of the Artland homeland.

Family and work life

To his great regret, after his return to the city of Münster, Werner Dobelmann abandoned his original desire to study folklore or history at the university to deepen his local inclination . After completing a banking apprenticeship instead, he switched to the financial administration of the city of Münster, where he worked as a tax council until he retired in 1976. Beyond such “professional sobriety”, Werner Dobelmann began writing after the war, starting with the family chronicle Die Börslage. An attempt at a family history from 1945. Werner Dobelmann married Gerda Ilse Auguste Habben on October 21, 1941, their daughter Sjut and Helene Habbens , who was born on September 26, 1916 in Rüstringen near Wilhelmshaven . In 1949 a daughter was born to the couple. Werner Dobelmann was a founding member of the Bersenbrück District Home Federation (KHBB) since 1951, and has been an honorary member since 1976.


Kotten of the Dobelmanns in Rüssel 1972–1989

In 1972, Dobel's purchased the former Heuer house ( Kotten ) of the farm meadow in the old peasantry trunk. Until his death in 1985, Werner Dobelmann lived and worked together with his Gerda, who died in 1989, in the renovated Kotten. The couple are buried in the cemetery of the parish of St. Nicholas in Ankum.

Classification of the entire work in terms of the history of science

Werner Dobelmann's literary output was based on an unshakable and cautiously confident commitment to his homeland. So Dobelmann wrote in 1981 that it may well be

»Giving people who measure the value of a community only in terms of the number of inhabitants and tax revenue, who regret the steadiness and the calm pulse of life [...]. There are undoubtedly churches that have developed more strongly in recent years and decades. Most of the time, however, they have had to pay for this with a considerable loss of tradition, an established lifestyle and a safe serenity. [...] The term home, often wrongly burdened with the odor of the untimely, has lost none of its topicality in our day. Knowledge of one's homeland and attachment to it is still one of the sources from which responsibility for the community grows. Seen in this way, home history is not a dream of the ›good old days‹, but tradition in the best sense and an invigorating incentive to preserve the values ​​entrusted to us as the basis for new work for the future. "

Werner Dobelmann's oeuvre moves in with such an autochthonous attitude, which "does not occur in intentional moments of indulgent immersion and artificial empathy, but only" "when one's own existence is in his work ", and with an ostinate interspersion of rural language images the conceptual scope of the existentialist fundamental ontology of Martin Heidegger .

Works (selection)

Werner Dobelmann's lifelong archival work includes 18 monographs, well over 2000 essays, contributions and articles in compilations, magazines (communications from the Bersenbrück District Home Association, home calendar for the Bersenbrück district, home yearbook for the Bersenbrück district, home yearbook Osnabrücker Land, Am Heimatlichen Herd, Westfälischer Heimatkalender etc.) and daily newspapers (Westfälische Nachrichten, Münstersche Zeitung, Bersenbrücker Kreisblatt, Bramscher Nachrichten etc.), a series of typographically available historiographies of Artland farms as well as unpublished manuscripts, including on the "Münsterischen Mühlengeschichte" (1972), and a large number of previously unpublished articles.

  • On old ways in the Bersenbrück district , in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt [1] (1950), No. 1 of August 12, 1950, p. 2 f.
  • From the property of the Börstel monastery , in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt [1] (1950), No. 5 of October 6, 1950, pp. 18-20.
  • The book from the district of Bersenbrück . A local history for school and home, Quakenbrück 1953
  • The song of the mills . Water and windmills in the north of Osnabrück, in: Mitteilungen des Kreisheimatbundes Bersenbrück 3 (1953), pp. 42–54
  • Gravestones in the Börsteler Stiftskirche , in: Home calendar for the district of Bersenbrück (Artländer house and pocket calendar) (1956), pp. 91–94.
  • Pictures of life from the north of Osnabrück (series of publications by the district home association Bersenbrück; 8), Quakenbrück 1962
  • An old hireling family (Heimat yesterday and today. Communications from the District Home Federation Bersenbrück; 11), Quakenbrück 1963
  • Yellowed leaves. From Bramsche's Past, Bramsche, 2nd edition 1982 (1st edition 1964)
  • The tithe being in the north of Osnabrück, in: Heimat yesterday and today. Communications from the District Home Federation Bersenbrück 15 (1968), pp. 43-106
  • Defense towers in the parish of Ankum ; [1], in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt [19] (1968), No. 2, p. 8
  • Landwehr in the Osnabrücker Nordland, in: Heimat yesterday and today. Communications of the District Home Federation Bersenbrück 16 (1969), pp. 129–180
  • Parish and Abbey of St. Mauritz in Münster . Origins and development of a district and its foreland, Münster in Westphalia 1971
  • Amelsbueren Chronicle. History of a rural community, Münster in Westphalia 1974
  • Fishing Modde . History of a suburb, Münster in Westphalia 1974
  • Handorf yesterday and today. History of a village settlement, Münster in Westphalia 1974
  • Hiltrup , Münster in Westphalia 1974
  • Albersloh . History of a rural community, Münster in Westphalia 1976
  • The baptistery in Farngau, in: Heimat-Jahrbuch Osnabrücker Land [4] (1977), pp. 154–58.
  • History and development of the north of Osnabrück (Der Altkreis Bersenbrück; 3; Heimat yesterday and today. Communications from the Kreisheimatbund Bersenbrück; 22), Quakenbrück 1979
  • Mills in the north of Osnabrück. From water and windmills, from horse and hand mills (series of publications of the district home association Bersenbrück; 16), Quakenbrück 1980
  • Defense towers in the parish of Ankum ; [2], in: Heimat-Jahrbuch Osnabrücker Land [7] (1980), pp. 35–39.
  • Mountains . History of a rural community, Berge 1981
  • Origin and development of the place Bersenbrück , in: Franz Buitmann, Werner Dobelmann, Franz Hülsmann, Ernst Schulte (Red.), Bersenbrück. City in the Osnabrück region. Contributions to the anniversary year 1981 in words and pictures. 750 years of Bersenbrück - 25 years of the city, Bersenbrück 1981, pp. 27 [26] –84
  • with Franz Buitmann (arr.), School history of the Osnabrücker Nordland; 1. Development up to the school reforms in the middle of the 20th century (Der Altkreis Bersenbrück; 6; Heimat yesterday and today; 25), Bersenbrück 1986 (posthumous)
  • The hare shaped the north of Osnabrück. Geographical and historical aspects, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt 37 (1986), No. 1 (March 1986), pp. 1–4 (posthumously)
  • The emergence of self-authority / The abolition of self-authority, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt 40 (1989), No. 4 (August 1989), p. 16. 19 f. (posthumously)

Secondary literature

  • Herbert Clauß , deserving homeland researchers of the old district of Bersenbrück. Werner Dobelmann - Dr. August Schröder , in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt (1976), No. 3 (September 1976), p. 11
  • Franz Feldkamp, ​​Werner Dobelmann. The tireless local researcher and local writer of the north of Osnabrück, in: Heimat-Heft für Dorf und Kirchspiel Ankum 13 (2010), pp. 6-14

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Werner Dobelmann, Ich über mich, in: Heimat-Kalender für den Bersenbrück (Artländer Haus- und Taschen-Kalender) (1952), p. 92 f., 92.
  2. Werner Dobelmann, Kleine Liebe zum Artlande, in: Heimat-Kalender für den Bersenbrück (Artländer Haus- und Taschen-Kalender) (1952), pp. 56–60.
  3. To Gut Loxten Werner Dobelmann, Nortrup-Loxten and the parish of Ankum, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt 5 (1954), No. 9 (August 1954), p. 33; Werner Dobelmann, Das Rittergut Loxten, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt 8 (1957), No. 1 (January 1957), p. 1 f .; Werner Dobelmann, Das Rittergut Loxten in Nortrup, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt [31] (1980), No. 3 (September 1980), p. 10; Werner Dobelmann, Ernst von Hammerstein zu Loxten. First District Administrator in Bersenbrück, in: Franz Buitmann, Werner Dobelmann, Franz Hülsmann, Ernst Schulte (Red.), Bersenbrück. City in the Osnabrück region. Contributions to the anniversary year 1981 in words and pictures. 750 years of Bersenbrück - 25 years of the city, Bersenbrück 1981, p. 280 f.
  4. Werner Dobelmann's typescript from 1983 is available on the history of the Hallermann / Pieper farm.
  5. ^ Franz Feldkamp, ​​Werner Dobelmann. The tireless local researcher and local writer of the Osnabrück northern region, in: Heimat-Heft für Dorf und Kirchspiel Ankum 13 (2010), pp. 6-14, 6.
  6. My soul complains like a wounded animal; / because walls and chimneys surround me here. / Scarce light in stone ravines, / Cars and neon - that's all I see. / I don't see how the wind blows through the ears of wheat, / how the rustling field tends to surrender, / no longer see the plow in the gray-brown land, / clasped by a calloused peasant's hand. / I no longer hear the whetstone ringing, / how a happy song swings over the stubble field, / my eyes are shadowed and my mind is clouded, / drifts across the land of hay smell. / My fathers sowed from a safe hand / golden seeds in fertile land / built and worked on their own land / were healthy in body and soul. / And me? - I want to shout at the walls: / ›Let me be free, let me be in the distance! Let me work in fields, forests and meadows: / because here I am nothing but a robot! ', Werner Dobelmann, Großstädters Heimweh, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt 6 (1955), No. 7 (July 1955), p 25.
  7. Werner Dobelmann, Mountains . History of a rural community, Berge 1981, p. 203.
  8. On the history of ideas of the down-to-earth attitude Ralf Bormann, The wrongly measured work of art. On the art-geographical determination of stylistic continuity in the course of time (Univ.-Diss.), Münster in Westphalia 2010, passim [1] .
  9. Martin Heidegger , Creative Landscape: Why Do We Stay in the Province? (1933), in: ders. (Ed. Hermann Heidegger), From the experience of thinking. 1910-1976 ( Complete Edition , Department I: Published Writings 1910-1976; 13), Frankfurt am Main 1983, pp. 9-13, 10. “Work only opens space” for the native landscape, the “course of work remains immersed in the landscape. [...] I am simply put into the natural oscillation of work and am basically not at all in control of its hidden law ", ibid., P. 10 f. Highlighting in the original.
  10. ZB Werner Dobelmann, Der Bauer, in: Am heimatlichen Herd - Heimatblatt 4 (1953), No. 8 (June 1953), p. 32, reprinted in: Heimat-Kalender für der Kreis Bersenbrück (Artländer Haus- und Taschen-Kalender ) (1958), p. 122: »With a serious, believing face / he strode through the first morning light / and in devout thoughts / let the delicious seeds flow down to the earth. / He knows that this fertile earth / will give him a new harvest blessing. / That is why he looks very calmly and steadfastly / towards the bare and dead land; / because already he feels with joyful, happy shudder: / this land will outlast man and time, / and the Lord God will give him eternally / the ever-renewing, powerful life! "

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