Werner Fischer (civil rights activist)

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Werner Fischer (born March 29, 1950 in Caputh ) is a German civil rights activist. He was an opposition member in the GDR .


Because of his refusal to join the FDJ , Werner Fischer was not admitted to the Abitur level and therefore trained as a pipeline fitter. As an assembly worker, he worked on large construction sites such as Eisenhüttenstadt and Schwedt . From 1968 he did military service with the border troops of the GDR . During this time he was targeted by the MfS through denunciation and was transferred to kitchen duty. With reference to his "progressive parents" was refrained from tougher measures. He then worked as a stage craftsman, later as an advertising organizer at the East Berlin Metropol-Theater .

In 1981 he resigned from the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB) in protest against the imposition of martial law in Poland and the support of the GDR . He took part in various illegal political circles and had been active in the GDR's independent peace movement since 1981 . Fischer organized literary readings and political discussions in his apartment. Since 1972, Fischer has been processed by the MfS in an operational identity check (OPK), later as an operational process (OV) "slider". It was exposed to intensive decomposition and surveillance measures.

In 1985/86 Werner Fischer was one of the founders of the opposition Initiative for Peace and Human Rights (IFM). In 1986 he was banned from working and lived off odd jobs in the art exhibition scene in East Berlin. He maintained close contacts with the international peace movement and the opposition in Eastern Europe, in particular with Charter 77 , and is the author and signatory of numerous national and international appeals and position papers.

In 1988 he was arrested for “treasonous activity as an agent” and was taken to the central pre- trial detention center of the Ministry for State Security in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen . With a GDR passport and a return guarantee from the GDR authorities, Fischer came out of prison and went to London with Bärbel Bohley for half a year. In August 1988 he returned to East Berlin. In October 1989 he worked in the contact office in Berlin's Gethsemane Church , where information on demonstrations, police attacks, etc. a. were collected. He was co-organizer of the independent commission of inquiry into these events.

Fischer became one of the three spokespersons for the IFM and, in November 1989, represented the IFM in the preparatory group for the central round table . In January 1990, at the suggestion of the Central Round Table, Fischer was appointed government representative to dissolve the Ministry of State Security. Subsequently, until May 1992, he headed a working group on behalf of the Berlin Senate, which among other things advised the Stasi inspection commissions in the administrations of the Senate and the districts.

For two years, from 1992 to 1994, Fischer worked as the press spokesman for the Bundestag group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen . In 1995 Fischer received the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class .

In 2001 Fischer learned of his mother's IM activities from newly found files. For many years she provided detailed reports on him to the MfS.

Werner Fischer has a daughter and lives in Berlin.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Fischer short biography  on  jugendopposition.de,  viewed on March 6, 2017.
  2. This is documented and presented in: Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk , Arno Polzin (Ed.): Be brief! The opposition's cross-border telephone traffic in the 1980s and the Ministry of State Security . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2014, ISBN 978-3-525-35115-4 .