White Aryan Rebels

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White Aryan Rebels
General information
origin Berlin , Germany
Genre (s) Right skirt , hatecore
founding 2000
resolution unknown
Founding members
Lars Burmeister

White Aryan Rebels was a right-wing extremist band from Berlin , which is assigned to the Hatecore . The band had radical lyrics that called for the murder of dissidents. A song by the band was decisive for the documentary Roots Germania (2007).


The openly neo-Nazi group published the album Noten des Hasses in 2001 , which was indexed on April 28, 2001 by the Federal Testing Office for Media Harmful to Young People . According to experts, the texts on the CD achieved a “new quality of violence propaganda”. The texts call for the murder of Alfred Biolek , Rita Süssmuth , Michel Friedman and the Brandenburg Public Prosecutor Erardo Rautenberg , among others . The lyrics of the album fulfill the offense of sedition and anti-Semitic , homophobic and racist .

The CD is said to have been pressed in Poland and smuggled back in over the German-Polish border near Guben. Around 3,000 copies of the album have come into circulation. The neo-Nazi Lars Burmeister from Berlin was responsible for the conspiratorially produced CD, who is responsible for the lyrics and music with the help of several guest musicians. He was sentenced to a total of one year and 10 months probation.

The CD caused a sensation because at least two V-men of the constitution protection were involved in the distribution of the CD. The undercover agent Toni Stadler from Guben was arrested on July 20, 2002 during a police raid . The 27-year-old man was registered as an undercover agent for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Potsdam and should have been involved in the CD both as a musician and as an editor. While the constitution protection in Potsdam said that one of their best sources had been exposed, the Berlin constitution protection accused its colleagues of having covered a criminal. At the same time, various media reported critically on the workings of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which supposedly promoted the production of the CD.

However, the media's criticism of the protection of the constitution was rejected. Stadler was sentenced to two years probation for sedition , violence and the use of unconstitutional symbols . The Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution contradicted the participation of the constitution protection in the production of the CD, as well as the participation of Stadler as a musician in the CD. The legal proceedings against Toni Stadler also made it clear that he was "not involved in the composition, recording or pressing of the CD". Rather, band head Lars Burmeister is said to have provided him with 2,000 euros to have a second edition of the CD pressed. However, at the urging of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, he would have given this money back. The Ministry of the Interior made serious allegations against the public prosecutor and the LKA , who, without consulting them, unmasked one of their sources and passed on misinformation to the press.

As part of the trial against the right-wing extremist band Landser , a second undercover agent, Hammerskin Mirko Hesse , who was involved in the distribution of the CD, was exposed. He had already worked with Toni Stadler on the CD Ran an den Feind , for which Stadler had the booklet printed. He was sentenced to four years in prison because of his involvement in sales and illegal possession of weapons.

TV presenter Mo Asumang was threatened with death on the CD. “The ball is for you, Mo Asumang!” Was the line of text in the song The ball is for you . In response to this death threat, she made the film Roots Germania , in which she explored her Afro-German roots and traveled to Ghana .


  • 2001: Notes of Hate (album)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c White Aryan Rebels. Netz gegen Nazis , April 3, 2008, accessed December 19, 2010 .
  2. Federal Gazette No. 81 of April 28, 2001
  3. a b Toralf Staud: Spy of hatred . In: The time . No. 34 , 2002 ( zeit.de ).
  4. Henning Flad: Not dead despite the ban . In: Christian Dornbusch , Jan Raabe (Ed.): RechtsRock. Inventories and counter-strategies . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2002, ISBN 3-89771-808-1 , p. 114 .
  5. ^ A b Josef Hufelschulte: Affair: The notes of hatred . In: Focus . No. 31 , 2002 ( focus.de ).
  6. ^ Ministry of the Interior of the State of Brandenburg : Constitutional Protection Report 2002 . Brandenburg 2002, p. 75/85 ( brandenburg.de [PDF; 1.8 MB ]).
  7. Christian Dornbusch , Jan Raabe: … on dealing with a political problem . In: Christian Dornbusch , Jan Raabe (Ed.): RechtsRock. Inventories and counter-strategies . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2002, ISBN 3-89771-808-1 , p. 321 .
  8. a b V-man convicted. Allegations against the protection of the constitution are unfounded. Protection of the Constitution of Brandenburg, accessed on December 19, 2010 .
  9. ^ A b Heiko Homburg: Interior Ministry welcomes conviction of Toni S. Ministry of the Interior of the State of Brandenburg , November 11, 2002, accessed on December 19, 2010 .
  10. ^ A b Jens Blankennagel: Ministry: V-Mann was not warned. Berliner Zeitung , August 10, 2002, accessed on December 19, 2010 .
  11. Alexander Fichtner, Annelies Senf: Rechtsrock. Panzerfaust on the ear. haGalil , August 8, 2003, accessed December 19, 2010 .
  12. Annette Kögel: Between the Worlds. Der Tagesspiegel , October 26, 2007, accessed on December 19, 2010 .