Meadow corals

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Meadow corals
Whitish meadow coral (Ramariopsis kunzei)

Whitish meadow coral ( Ramariopsis kunzei )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Chanterelles (Cantharellales)
Family : Club mushroom relatives (Clavulinaceae)
Genre : Meadow corals
Scientific name
( Donk ) Corner

The meadow corals ( Ramariopsis ) are a genus from the order of the chanterelle relatives and include species with predominantly coral-shaped and often vividly colored fruiting bodies . They mostly colonize grassland, which is also referred to by the German common name "meadow corals".

The type species of the genus is the white meadow coral ( Ramariopsis kunzei ).


Macroscopic features

The fruiting bodies of meadow corals are more or less clearly stalked, mostly branched like a coral dichotomous to polytomous and have cylindrical to flattened branches with pointed or rounded ends. The Trama is brittle to relatively tough and turns green to blackish-green with alcoholic iron (II) sulfate (FeSO 4 ) . The color spectrum ranges from white, yellow to orange and purple to greenish. The spore powder is white to yellowish in color.

Microscopic features

The hyphae structure is monomitic. The more or less swollen hyphae have buckles on the septa . The fruit layer is mainly composed of 4-spore basidia . The spherical to elliptical spores are colorless, thin-walled and ornamented with warty to prickly ornamentation. When cotton blue-lactophenol is added, they show no blue discoloration (acyanophil). A large drop of oil can be seen inside the spores.


The meadow corals live saprobion table in forests and on poorly fertilized meadows, colonize peat and rarely even wood.

Types (selection)

The genus comprises 20 species worldwide, around 10 species are known or expected in Europe:

Meadow corals ( Ramariopsis ) in Europe
German name Scientific name Author quote
Long-handled meadow coral Ramariopsis biformis (GF Atkinson 1908) RH Petersen 1964
Two-tone meadow coral Ramariopsis citrina Shield 1971
Ramariopsis clavuligera (R. Heim 1934) Corner 1950
Saffron yellow meadow coral Ramariopsis crocea (Persoon 1797: Frieze 1821) Corner 1950
Whitish meadow coral Ramariopsis kunzei (Fries 1821: Fries 1821) Corner 1950
Purple meadow club Ramariopsis pulchella (Boudier 1887) Corner 1950
Ramariopsis subarctica Pilát 1971
Slender meadow coral Ramariopsis tenuicula (Bourdot & Galzin 1928) RH Petersen 1969
Straw yellow meadow coral Ramariopsis tenuiramosa Corner 1950


Individual evidence

  1. Elias Magnus Fries : Clavaria kunzei nom. nov. In: Systema Mycologicum  1. 1821. p. 474.
  2. a b c d e Walter Jülich: The non-leaf mushrooms, gelatinous mushrooms and belly mushrooms . In: Small cryptogam flora IIb / 1. Basidiomycetes, part 1. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart / New York 1984. pp. 74-79.
  3. ^ A b c d e German Josef Krieglsteiner (Ed.), Andreas Gminder , Wulfard Winterhoff: Die Großpilze Baden-Württemberg . Volume 2: Stand mushrooms: inguinal, club, coral and stubble mushrooms, belly mushrooms, boletus and deaf mushrooms. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3531-0 .
  4. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Clavulina . On: Mushroom Taxa Database. August 6, 2008. Retrieved September 19, 2011.

Web links

Commons : Ramariopsis  - collection of images, videos and audio files