Viktor Leonidowitsch Scheinis

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Viktor Leonidowitsch Scheinis (2011)

Viktor Leonidowitsch Scheinis ( Russian Виктор Леонидович Шейнис ; born February 16, 1931 in Kiev ) is a Ukrainian - Russian historian , economist and politician .


Scheinis studied 1948-1953 at the Faculty of History of the University of Leningrad . 1954–1957 he worked as a history teacher in Leningrad schools. In 1957 he began his apprenticeship at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)). In 1957 he wrote an essay with the participation of Irma Viktorovna Kudrowas in which he criticized the Soviet invasion of Hungary . In 1958 he was expelled from the Komsomol and the aspirant. 1958–1964 he worked as a drill in the Kirowwerk .

In 1964, Scheinis began his apprenticeship at the Chair of Economics in Modern Capitalism at the University of Leningrad and became an assistant and then a lecturer . With his dissertation on Portuguese colonialism in Africa and the economic problems of the last colonial empire, Scheinis received his doctorate from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Leningrad as a candidate in economics . He had to give up teaching at the university because of political unreliability. One focus of work was the criticism of capitalism .

In 1975 Scheinis became a research assistant at the Leningrad Institute for Social - Economic Problems of the AN-SSSR. In 1977 he became a research fellow at the Moscow Institute for World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the AN-SSSR. With his dissertation on problems and contradictions in economic growth and the social processes and differentiations in developing countries , he received his doctorate in economics from IMEMO in 1982 . The appointment as professor followed . His academic work focused on the political and legal aspects of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , the constitutional process, electoral legislation and practice, and the party system .

In 1988 Scheinis joined the Moscow Tribune Club . In 1989 he was elected to the People's Deputies Congress. In 1991 he was an opponent of the State Committee for the State of Emergency . 1991–1993 he was a member of the Nationalities Soviet of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and 1992–1993 Deputy Secretary of the Constitutional Commission of the Supreme Soviet. On December 12, 1991, he voted in the Supreme Soviet to ratify the Białowieża Declaration by the RSFSR , Ukraine and Belarus on the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States . From 1993-1994 he was Vice-Chairman of the Commission for Legislative Proposals to the President of the Russian Federation and was one of the authors of the Constitution of the Russian Federation . In December 1993 he was elected to the Duma of the Russian Federation via the list of the constituency of the Jawlinski-Bolderew-Lukin block , which he had founded with others . He joined the Yabloko faction and became a member of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reforms . In the next Duma election in December 1995 he was re-elected via the Yabloko list and went back to the Committee for Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform. After being a member of the CPSU until 1991 , he is now a member of the Yabloko party.

On May 23, 2010 Scheinis was an election observer in the parliamentary elections of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic , which is why he is on the list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan as Persona non grata .


Individual evidence

  1. Ekonomika, Soziologija, Management: Шейнис Виктор Леонидович (Sheynis, Victor L.) (accessed September 14, 2018).
  2. a b c VIPERSON: Шейнис Виктор Леонидович - биография Sheynis Viktor Leonidovich (accessed September 14, 2018).
  3. a b c d Jabloko: Шейнис Виктор Леонидович (accessed on September 14, 2018).
  4. SI Tjulpanow, VL Scheinis: Current problems of the political economy of contemporary capitalism . Marxist sheets publishing house, Frankfurt am Main 1975.
  5. V.Pribylovsky, Gr.Tochkin: Account i kak uprazdnil SSSR (accessed on 12 September 2018).
  6. Лица партии (accessed September 14, 2018).
  7. ^ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Arzuolunmaz Şəxslərin Siyahisi (accessed on September 14, 2018).