Wilhelm Avianus

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Gerstewitz Church

Wilhelm Avianus (also Avian and Apianus ; * unknown; † November 1636 in Leipzig ) was a German scientist and mathematician.

Avianus came from a poor family in Bachra near Wiehe in Thuringia and studied from 1621 on a scholarship in Leipzig, where he acquired a baccalaureate in 1623 and became an assessor at the university. In 1625 he became a teacher at the Thomas School in Leipzig and in 1626 pastor in Gerstewitz . He resigned from this post in the same year to return to Leipzig. From 1629 until his death he was rector of the Thomas School. According to Maul, in 1630 he was dean of the Philosophical Faculty in Leipzig and in 1630/31 rector there. In 1633/1634 he turned down the call to succeed Ambrosius Rhode at the University of Wittenberg. He corresponded with Philipp Müller , Johannes Buxtorf and Johannes Kepler , who wrote him a long letter on March 6, 1629 on topics of astrology and wanted to visit him in Leipzig the following year. Kepler mentions Avianus' book on birth constellations from 1635 several times.

His widow, Anna Avinius, née Elliger, married Andreas Rivinus in 1636 .


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  1. a b c d Michael Maul : “The famous choir”: the Leipzig Thomas School and its cantors (1212–1804) . Lehmstedt, Leipzig 2012, p. 334.
  2. Jöcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon, Vol. I, 647, http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/de/fs1/object/display/bsb10528501_00348.html
  3. Gustav H. Heydenreich, Church and School Chronicle of the City and Ephorie Weißenfels since 1839, p. 226, https://books.google.de/books?id=-h1BAAAAcAAJ&dq=%22Wilhelm%20Avianus%22&pg=PA226# v = onepage & q =% 22Wilhelm% 20Avianus% 22 & f = false
  4. Thomas Krohn, Christoph Nothnagels teaching and research activities at the University of Wittenberg, http://d-nb.info/1067842578/34 , p. 10, footnote 36
  5. ^ Avianus to Buxtorf, Leipzig, October 8, 162 ?, Basel UB Ms GI 61: 239