Wilhelm Crull

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Wilhelm Crull

Engelbert Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Crull (born May 26, 1876 in Schwerin , † July 13, 1956 in Hamburg ) was a German consular officer.


Wilhelm Crull was the second son and one of six children of the Secretary of State Paul Crull (1840–1896) and his wife Elisabeth Dorothea Sophie, née. Techen (* 1855), a doctor's daughter from Wismar, was born. He studied at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Law and was in 1897 in the Corps Suevia Munich recipiert . In 1898 he also enrolled at the University of Rostock . After the legal traineeship , he joined the judicial service of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in 1899 . He passed the assessor examination in 1904 and was awarded a Dr. iur. PhD . In 1907 he was drafted into the foreign service (consular career). From 1909 to 1914 he was consul in Shanghai , Hankau , Saigon and Hong Kong . As Vice Consul in 1910 he reported on Hunan's natural resources . After taking part in the First World War as a soldier , he came to Scandinavia , in 1917 as consul in Kristiansund and in 1919 as legation secretary in Helsingfors . In the Weimar Republic in 1922 he became general adviser for legal matters in the Eastern Europe department in the Foreign Office . Since 1924 lecturer in the Legation Council , he was Consul General in Canton from 1925–1929 . Put into temporary retirement in 1930 , he was recalled to the AA in 1931. After he had been acting head of the Yokohama Consulate from 1934 to 1937 , he was 61 years old without being used.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 114/1107
  2. See the entry of Wilhelm Crull's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. Dissertation: The possession of the heir with special consideration of the concept of possession in general according to the civil code .
  4. M. Leutner, K. Mühlhan (ed.): German-Chinese Relations in the 19th Century (2001)
  5. Wilhelm Crull in the online version of the edition files of the Reich Chancellery. Weimar Republic