Wilhelm Dillenburger

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Wilhelm Dillenburger (full name Wilhelm Kasimir Ferdinand Dillenburger , born July 7, 1810 in Essen , † April 23, 1882 in Breslau ) was a German classical philologist , grammar school director and provincial school council.


Wilhelm Dillenburger, the son of the master tailor Wilhelm Dillenburger († 1829), attended the Progymnasium in Dorsten from 1819 to 1820 and the grammar school in Essen from 1820 to autumn 1828 . He then studied classical philology at the University of Bonn from the winter semester 1828/29 to the end of 1831. His academic teachers included the philologists Karl Friedrich Heinrich , August Ferdinand Naeke and Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker , the historians Barthold Georg Niebuhr and Johann Wilhelm Löbell , the Germanist August Wilhelm Schlegel , the philosopher Christian August Brandis , the Protestant theologian Friedrich Bleek and the mathematician Wilhelm Adolf Diesterweg . On December 14, 1831, Dillenburger passed the teaching examination in Latin and Greek for all classes.

After graduating, Dillenburger went to his home high school in Essen, where he completed the probationary year from 1831 to 1832 and then taught as an assistant teacher. In addition to the ancient languages, he also taught German and geography in the middle school. From Easter 1834 to Pentecost 1835 he was tutor to the von Bongart family, whom he accompanied on trips to Belgium and northern France. After his return he went to the St. Michael-Gymnasium in Münstereifel as an assistant teacher , where he was given a permanent position as a full teacher on December 15, 1835. In 1838 he was promoted to second senior teacher. On April 1, 1841, he moved to the grammar school in Aachen and from there did his doctorate at the University of Tübingen . From May 20, 1844 to August 1849, he was director of the Willibrord grammar school in Emmerich.

In 1849 Dillenburger changed to the school administration and moved to Königsberg , where he took the newly created position as Catholic Provincial School Council for the Province of Prussia . In this function he supervised all Catholic grammar schools, Progymnasien and teacher seminars as well as the Catholic elementary schools in East Prussia . With his Protestant colleague Wilhelm Schrader and with the grammar school director Rudolf Ferdinand Leopold Skrzeczka (1808–1874) he established friendly ties. On April 1, 1866, he moved to Breslau as the Provincial School Council of the Province of Silesia , where he worked until the end of his life. Here, too, his most important confidante and friend was his Protestant counterpart, Julius Sommerbrodt , with whom he also jointly led the educational seminar. For health reasons he asked for his retirement on September 13, 1881, but before that came he died on May 23, 1882 at the age of 71.

In addition to his school service, Dillenburger occupied himself all his life with the poetry of Horace , to which he devoted text-critical studies and a school edition, which had seven editions until his death. He has received several awards for his educational and scientific work. In 1855 he received the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle 4th class (1873 3rd class with ribbon), in 1866 he was appointed to the Privy Councilor.

Wilhelm Dillenburger was married to Wilhelmine Wichterich († 1887) from September 16, 1837, with whom he had a daughter and four sons. His daughter Emilie (1841–1910) married the anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer .

Fonts (selection)

  • Quaestionum Horatianarum particula I . Cologne 1838
  • Quaestionum Horatianarum particula II . Cologne 1841
  • Horatianorum particula II . Emmerich 1845 (school program)
  • History of the high school in Emmerich . Emmerich 1845–1846 (school program)
  • Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia. Recognovit et commentariis in usum scholarum instruxit Guil. Dillenburger . Bonn 1844. 2nd edition 1848. 3rd edition 1854. 4th edition 1860. 5th edition 1867. 6th edition 1875. 7th edition 1881


  • Wilhelm Pökel : Philological writer's lexicon . Leipzig 1882, p. 60
  • Julius Sommerbrodt, Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer: Wilhelm Dillenburger . In: Annual report on the progress of classical antiquity . 8th year 1882, 33rd volume (1883). Nekrologe = biographical yearbook for archeology . 5th year, 1882 (1883), p. 36f.
  • Ferdinand SanderDillenburger, Wilhelm . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 47, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1903, pp. 696-699.

Web links

Wikisource: Wilhelm Dillenburger  - Sources and full texts