Windauer Ache

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Windauer Ache
The graphic shows u.  a.  the course of the Windauer Ache, which flows in a northerly direction - from the Salzburg border to Hopfgarten.

The graphic shows u. a. the course of the Windauer Ache, which flows in a northerly direction - from the Salzburg border to Hopfgarten.

Water code AT : 2-8-240-22
location in the Windautal , Kitzbühel Alps , Tyrol
River system Danube
Drain over Brixentaler Ache  → Inn  → Danube  → Black Sea
source Reinkarsee am Kröndlhorn
47 ° 18 ′ 25 ″  N , 12 ° 10 ′ 15 ″  E
Source height 2194  m above sea level A.
muzzle In Haslau / Hopfgarten in the Brixentaler Ache Coordinates: 47 ° 26 '17 "  N , 12 ° 10' 18"  E 47 ° 26 '17 "  N , 12 ° 10' 18"  E
Mouth height 626  m above sea level A.
Height difference 1568 m
Bottom slope 73 ‰
length 21.5 km
Catchment area 82.4 km²
Discharge at the Unterwindau
A Eo gauge : 82.1 km².
Location: 590 m above the mouth
NNQ (22.12.2006)
MNQ 1990–2010
MQ 1990–2010
Mq 1990–2010
MHQ 1990–2010
HHQ (28.07.2006)
350 l / s
810 l / s
3.42 m³ / s
41.7 l / (s km²)
56.1 m³ / s
132 m³ / s
Left tributaries Falberbach, Dürrnbach
Right tributaries Miesenbach, Rettenbach
Flowing lakes Reinkarsee
Communities Westendorf and Hopfgarten im Brixental

The Windauer Ache is a torrent in the scenic Windau Valley in the Kitzbühel Alps in Tyrol .

The Ache rises from the Reinkarsee at about 2200  m above sea level. A. and runs in the middle part through a 4 km long gorge. In Hopfgarten , the Windauer Ache joins the Brixentaler Ache in a narrow point , which in turn joins the Inn in Wörgl .

The Ache flows through the municipal areas of Westendorf and Hopfgarten .

The Windauer Ache (difficulty level WW II to WW V) is very popular with whitewater paddlers . The relatively gently sloping road along the lower reaches of the Windauer Ache is very popular with cyclists.

Catchment area and water supply

The Windauer Ache drains a catchment area of square kilometers of 82.4, which extends over more than 1800 meters up to Kröndlberg ( 2440  m above sea level. A. extends).

The mean discharge at the Unterwindau gauge, 0.59 km above the mouth, is 3.42 m³ / s, which corresponds to a relatively high discharge rate of 41.7 l / s · km². The Windauer Ache has a similar runoff regime , which is characterized by the snowmelt in the higher elevations of the catchment area. The mean discharge in the month with the most water in May is 6.87 m³ / s, a good five times higher than in the month with the least water in January, with 1.24 m³ / s.


At the end of July 2006 a severe storm caused enormous damage in the entire Windau Valley. The flooding of the Windauer Ache tore away the stream control, bridges and parts of the road.

The total investment for the restoration - and the simultaneous installation and regulation - amounted to approx. 860,000 euros.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c TIRIS - Tyrolean spatial information system
  2. a b Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Ed.): Hydrographisches Jahrbuch von Österreich 2010. 118th volume. Vienna 2012, p. OG 111, PDF (12.6 MB) on (2010 yearbook)