Winden (municipality of Melk)
Winden ( village ) village Winden cadastral municipality Winden |
Basic data | ||
Pole. District , state | Melk (ME), Lower Austria | |
Judicial district | Melk | |
Pole. local community | Melk | |
Coordinates | 48 ° 12 '55 " N , 15 ° 18' 38" E | |
height | 225 m above sea level A. | |
Residents of the village | 128 (January 1, 2020) | |
Area d. KG | 2.45 km² | |
Statistical identification | ||
Locality code | 04747 | |
Cadastral parish number | 14171 | |
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS |
Winden is a village and a cadastral municipality of the municipality of Melk in the Melk district in Lower Austria .
In the Urbar 1289/94 a farm and a field in Winden owned by the Melk Abbey are mentioned. Again and again there were donations to Melk Abbey, which indicates a certain size of the place and various citizens who have become known in Melk presumably came from Winden, which is also indicated by names such as Windner, Windsberger etc. At the end of the 16th century, Winden consisted of 11 houses.
- Gerhard Flossmann (ed.), Anton Harrer, Wilfried Kowarik and Harald Ofner: Stadtbuch Melk. Data & facts. (Volume II), written by the "Melker Stadtbuch" working group of the Melk Culture and Museum Association, Melk 1999