Pöverding ( village ) locality cadastral municipality Pöverding |
Basic data | ||
Pole. District , state | Melk (ME), Lower Austria | |
Judicial district | Melk | |
Pole. local community | Melk | |
Coordinates | 48 ° 12 '26 " N , 15 ° 19' 59" E | |
height | 268 m above sea level A. | |
Residents of the village | 115 (January 1, 2020) | |
Area d. KG | 3.47 km² | |
Statistical identification | ||
Locality code | 04743 | |
Cadastral parish number | 14154 | |
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS |
Pöverding is a village and a cadastral municipality of the municipality of Melk in the Melk district in Lower Austria .
The Melk Abbey acquired most of the farms through donation or purchase ; these had 2 to 30 yoke fields of medium quality.
- Gerhard Flossmann (ed.), Anton Harrer, Wilfried Kowarik and Harald Ofner: Stadtbuch Melk. Data & facts. (Volume II), written by the "Melker Stadtbuch" working group of the Melk Culture and Museum Association, Melk 1999